Sunday, July 04, 2010

Baby birds

The other day I had the kids in the driveway and Violet was spraying the flowers in our front yard with the hose. I saw a big morning dove bird fly out of the bush right by the front door, and wondered why that big bird was in there. I suspected babies but I wasn't really sure. Sure enough, I peeked through the bush, lifted up many of the branches to look further, and I saw a little nest with two baby morning dove birds in it. They were HUGE babies! I'm guessing they were close to leaving the nest. Today I tried snapping a pic but it really didn't turn out that great. It was hard to hold up the branches and take a pic at the same time. The mama bird on close watch nearby. This explains all the bird poop on the front porch!

1 comment:

  1. Great shots!
    You at least can enjoy their cooing.
