Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Must be a boy thing

I was at Walmart with the kids today. Vanessa was in her car seat in the shopping cart, Calvin was in child seat, and Violet was being my "big helper" with her own shopping list at the store. She even carried her own purple purse on her shoulder and crossed off things as we found them. One of the things on our list was coffee, so we went to that section of the store. Violet picked up a coffee bean from the floor (it had fallen from the self-dispensing beans) and gave it to Calvin...who promptly stuck it up his nose. Yeah...I said stuck it up his nose. Ew. He started freaking out, and couldn't get it out...so of course he shoved his finger up his nose further which got the bean even more stuck. It all happened quicker than I could stop it. I called Dave to see what he thought I should do...since I wasn't really sure whether to laugh and figure it will fall out eventually or go the medical route and have it taken out with tweezers. I told him to blow hard out of his nose, while I plugged one of his nostrils, and amazingly, it worked! I didn't know he could really "blow his nose" with that much power...but the bean went flying out of his nose and onto the floor. Violet was excited to see he had gotten the bean out, and ran over to pick it up. I was really disgusted at the thought so I stopped her before she got to it. Calvin threw a fit because I just left the bean on the floor and pushed the cart away. He wanted the bean back but I said no!


  1. You have no idea how many times we have had to make the kids "blow" things out of their noses. Peas (a millions times), gum, wads of kleenex. Yeah, parenting is full of surprises.

  2. Oh Dear!
    It's not a boy thing, all kids do it!
    One of our friends, I think it was Beetner's took their kid to the emergency room because they had a raisin stuck up their nose and didn't know how to get it out!
    Yeah Calvin...it must be a boy thing however to blow hard. whew!
    I also enjoyed your description of Violet helping you with the grocery shopping.
    Selena is your soul mate when it comes to mothering!
    Hang in there and keep a thankful heart it helps in all situations!

  3. belly laugh from Aunt Rachel!!!! Way to handle the situation. man that was funnie!
