Thursday, May 27, 2010

Violet's last day of preschool

A whole year of preschool has flown by for Violet! It has gone very fast, I can't believe it. Her class celebrated by having all the kids' parents there today. The teachers put together a slide show of a ton of pictures of their year, and then everybody celebrated in the fellowship area with cupcakes, juice, and water. The kids all played outside and we left a little early. My friend Julie had Calvin at her house while Dave and I went to Violet's last day with her. I think she thought it was pretty cool that we went. They demonstrated what they do every morning by talking about the day of the week, the month, the weather, said their weekly Bible verse to motions, did the ABCs in sign language, a few other things I can't remember, and a time reserved just for sharing. The things kids say are so cute. One little boy said he was all done getting owies for the summer. All the kids had their hands up to share, only a few got called on because the sharing could take all day! This is Violet on her first day of preschool back in September 2009: And this morning in May 2010. :) Some pics of the whole class: Getting her "diploma" and hugging her teachers after the picture slide show: Violet and her favorite preschool friend Mattie: "Mrs. A", Violet and Miss Stephens (I can't remember Mrs. A's real last name! Apparently it is too complicated so she has the kids call her that):


  1. Lots of smiles all around!!


  2. very sweet. i bet it was a big deal having you guys there to share. i cannot believe how much she looks like you when you were that age! the picture of her standing in front of the garage door w/calvin in the strip dress and head band looks JUST like YOU!!! big cheeks and all.
