Friday, May 14, 2010

Relaxing day yesterday

Yesterday was a breath of fresh air. I had an appointment in Iowa City so my friend Selena came over to my house and watched the kids for me, with extra time afterwards to get in a hair cut before this baby makes an appearance. She even ordered everyone a pizza to share for lunch. I drove to IA City by myself at 1:30 pm to get there in time for my 2:45 appointment. As I drove home, I got the chance to catch up with Rachel and get a report on my grandpa's funeral that morning. It was hard not to be there, since being at funerals is a huge part of the closure process, to hug family and friends, see his body, etc. My brain is only processing the fact that he died but I can't really comprehend it, it doesn't seem real. I keep running through scenes in my head of when I was with him last and memories through my life time of being with him, and its so nice to have such wonderful memories and especially to know that he is in paradise with the Lord. Violet had a really exciting day yesterday. She got to have "pajama day" at preschool in the morning, and the whole class brought along camping gear and they pretended to have a camping day. Violet happily brought along her pink tent, baby, little pillow and two special blankets. When I picked her up, I told her the news that all her friends were over at our house to visit and she started jumping up and down in the was a struggle to get her buckled in so I could drive home! She asked "Is my best friend Ivy going to be there?!?!? How long are they staying? Are they staying for a long time, or a short time?" and when I told her they would probably be at our house all day, I don't think she could contain her excitement. She did get a nap in, but the rest of the day was pretty exciting having her friends over. She played really well with all of Selena's kids and crashed hard at night - and she even slept in til 8:45 am. She had an enormous appetite for breakfast, eating four pancakes (all covered in peanut butter!) and two sausage links. Right now she and Calvin are totally lounging on the couch watching Sesame Street barely moving a muscle. I brought their special cozy blankets inside from the car (Violet has a dora blanket, Calvin has a sponge-bob one, they are really big, cushy and soft, like bed comforters) and let them snuggle up and relax. It is finally a sunny day so later we are definitely going out for a walk! I also wanted to post how much I have appreciated Dave lately. He has been very supportive of me in little ways. He is very helpful around the house, unloading/loading the dishwasher, helping me haul laundry baskets up and down the steps, and this morning after his work out, he surprised me with a cinnamon dulce latte from Starbucks and even made me a three-egg omelet with cheese and two pieces of toast for breakfast. Whatta guy! I thank the Lord for such a great husband and what a gift he is to me. I have also experienced a lot of support from my friends/family lately and love seeing tangibly how the Body of Christ is working effectively to lift those up around them. Not only myself but others who are going through trials.

1 comment:

  1. ohh i am so happy Dave is taking good care of you. what a sweetie pie! that makes me feel good that he is looking out for you, particulary showing his love for you and boosting your emotions. I am so thankful for Dave in your life, and do pray for your marriage and for you to be happy. me thinks you happy :)
