Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Crabby Calvin

Good grief, this kid seems impossible some moments. Almost every day when he wakes up from his nap he is a complete mess. Its like he didn't sleep long enough. He gets so crabby and fusses if something isn't done the way he expects it. I picked him up to get him out of his crib after his nap and he threw a fit because apparently he wanted to get out himself. If I spank him the temper tantrum gets worse, so I have opted to ignore him. I just left him crying in his room for the last 15 minutes screaming. I won't give him any kind of attention for it right now, I told him he can come downstairs when he's done crying.

1 comment:

  1. Kaylee does that too. It drives me crazy! We just ignore her for a while until she cheers up...
