Saturday, May 01, 2010

Beautiful Saturday

Its been an "outside day" around here. Daddy woke up with the kids and let me sleep in a little which was wonderful, and he got them breakfast. He went outside to mow the lawn so we went outside too. The kids rode their trikes around the driveway and sidewalks for a couple hours while I slowly pulled up weeds around the house to the best of my ability. Violet and Calvin were full of laughter and joy all morning in the sunshine. We ate lunch which was pears and spaghetti, then we could tell they were tired from the wind and sun. We just got the kids down for their naps - and Dave is off to the river house to pick up the lawn and mow it for the first time in two years. So much junk needs to be picked up though. He is going to create the start a large burn pile of useless wooden steps and gates. When they wake up, we'll go over there to "help" and let the kids play on the big rope swing and in the sand, which I hope is dry.

1 comment:

  1. Pulling weeds at almost term is CRAZY kiddo!
    I guess where there's a will there's a way.
    Being outside is the cure for a lot of things!
    I'm glad you'll have "sweet pea" in the summer, so you and the kids can get out more as that will help any built up stress get out.
    Tim is doing well with his brood of four.
    It helps that their baby Molly is a very mild-mannered baby (so far) and sleeps all night!
    Well I'll ttylr thanks for the news!
