Friday, May 21, 2010

40 week ultrasound

Dave and I made a trip to Iowa City for my ultrasound - and praise God baby looks extremely healthy. Their concerns going into the ultrasound were the fluid levels surrounding the baby, and after the sonogram, the midwife made a note that there was more in there than she expected to see. A non-stress test indicated baby's heart rate is excellent, healthy, and the placenta is operating wonderfully. The ultrasound "estimated" the baby's weight at 8 lbs 12 oz. My smallest baby estimation yet at this stage of ultrasound! I realize this is a far cry from accuracy and the error rate is plus or minus a pound, but I'll take a baby's weight in the 8 pound range. The more discouraging news I got from them was that my body is not making a single bit of progress in getting this baby out. It feels like a repeat "cervix check" and when I hear the words "unfavorable" and "closed and high" it makes me cringe. We will wait another week, and then have another repeat day in Iowa City to do all three things again (non-stress test, ultrasound, and regular appointment). I would love for labor to start tonight, or tomorrow, or any day before Friday, but apparently my body just isn't ready. Dave and I have always thought my due date should be been closer to May 23 or 24 based on my long ovulation cycles prior to conception...but there is no convincing them to change it because they didn't get a more accurate ultrasound around the 9 or 10 week mark to determine how "off" they were on dates. I am however, getting really weary of people calling me and sending me messages asking how I am doing or if we have news yet. I realize they all mean well, but I dislike repeating the news over and over. I'd rather hear from somebody "you look fantastic!" than "you're still hangin' in there?" or "no baby yet?" I will not be at church on Sunday ~ last week was a little too difficult to handle with everybody's comments. I realize they aren't trying to make me feel bad but they just don't understand. Especially a unique situation like mine...going for a normal delivery after 2 c-sections.


  1. Dear Maria:
    For what it is worth I have been able to relax lately with the breathing practice, and it starts going when my feet get warm, at least that is what I aim for. I relax breathe a little more "out" than usual and let the rest happen. Then I concentrate on my toes and feet and lately my feet have warmed up and I start the process of relaxing, from the bottom up. I also purse my lips a little for the exhale. Push out on the out breath as I said. Hope this helps.

  2. thanks for sharing your heart. I can't see you, but I did get to hear you tonight... and hearing you laugh on my text video and then again on the phone was a beautiful thing. I love your laugh!!! it's the very same belly laugh you've had since you were my baby sister. keep smiling, and keep laughing. laugher IS the best medicine, right?!?!? i love you.
