Sunday, May 23, 2010

Calvin's vanity :P

I caught Calvin playing in the bathroom upstairs earlier today, but I paused to watch when I noticed what he was doing. He was standing on the stool and had a little bit of water running, and he took his hand, got it wet, and put his wet hand on his hair, and started pulling on it and patting it down. This is exactly what Dave does when he makes a point to "style" Calvin's hair. Dave sits him up on the sink, gets his fingers wet, and pulls it through Calvin's hair to wet it down and then moves it around a little to get really curly. Calvin was making sure his hair was done, and he had the technique pretty much down. :) His hair is getting really wild. Its kind of long and goofy looking in some places, but I can't bring myself to cut off his curls just yet. He has also figured out how to put his own flip flops on now. Both kids are sporting flip flop tan lines just like me. Any time they are outside, I am outside. We take LOTS of walks lately. I push Calvin in his stroller, and Violet can (literally!) go for miles on her trike. She's a super trike rider and absolutely loves it! Calvin is big enough now to reach the pedals on the blue trike that we got for him last winter. Actually, it was the winter he turned one, so its been awhile. We got a deal on purchasing two at once so we thought ahead and got him one. We thought for sure he wouldn't be able to maneuver the big steel trike until next summer when he was three, but he figured it out. He can't go as far as Violet and has less control over the inclines but he still loves it. Next summer he'll be even faster!


  1. Every day is special.
    That sounds so "cliche", but with little ones, every day is truly a new experience.
    Enjoy each one!

  2. awww Calvi is styling his own hair? and putting on flip flops and riding his trike? I want to hold him and squeeze him before he gets so big!! I am sad to be missing this. your blog is precious
