Wednesday, December 02, 2009

I found Calvin's soft spot

and its for kittens. He bonded so well with Kala's kitty. He couldn't stop thinking about the kitty the whole time we were at the Butler's house. If I even suggested to him "Hey Calvin, want to go see the kitty?" He would burst into a yell of "YEAH!" and beeline upstairs to the bedroom where he knew the kitty was. I mentioned this before in my post about Thanksgiving, but I was really surprised how sweet he was to the kitty. He picked him up gently, held him, cuddled him, gave him kisses, and played well with the kitty. He was never mean, didn't pull his tail, and was patient to let the kitty come out from hiding every once in awhile. He figured out how to use the little cat toy that was suspended on a string attached to a stick. Tonight I was reading him a book before bed, and one page of the book featured pictures of cats. There were four little kittens on the page, and at the first glance of that page, he excitedly said "meow!!!" and promptly started rubbing his hands all over the page. There was a spot on the book where it had a piece of fake cat fur so he could actually "feel" the cat. He rubbed his hand over the cat fur for a long time, and kept saying "meow, meow". The kitty in the picture was even orange just like Kala's kitten. He brought the book to his face the started kissing each kitty picture. He just had this look of endearment on his face, I could so tell he was just enamored by these kitties. He held out both hands to the book near the picture of the orange cat almost like he believed he could reach out and pick him up. It was so sweet. He kept kissing the kitties and saying meow. Makes me want to get a kitten for him to play with. But I know that would never happen ~ Dave is so allergic to cats, he would be miserable in his own house. So he'll just have to dream about cats for now until some day we get a puppy, and I'm sure at that point, he'll forget about the kitty!

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