Monday, December 28, 2009

20 week ultrasound

I had my 20 week ultrasound this morning. It was originally scheduled for 8:30 am, and I'm so glad we were able to move it to 11:30 am. Dave and Rachel both wanted to come with me so that meant taking the kids along. Since we were up so late last night coming home from the swimming pool they slept in a little later. The u/s felt like any other u/s I've had before. We told the u/s tech that we wanted to keep the sex of the baby a secret so she didn't even look herself. Baby is developing great! They estimated the weight at 12 oz and predicted a due date of May 19th, which doesn't really change anything since I'm "due" May 16th. Or maybe its the 14th. I can't exactly remember, it has been calculated a couple times. Baby is well developed, all bones and body parts are totally formed. Approx 10 inches in length. We saw the heart beat, complete skull, back bones, ribs, hands, legs, feet, face profile, eyes, stomach, kidneys, the mouth moving around and sucking. The placenta is located on the front of my belly so I suspect that is why I haven't felt the baby moving that much. Violet was curious about the picture on the screen, she asked a lot of questions. We just told her it was a picture of the baby moving around and even though it was hard to see, the baby is really happy and healthy right now. Last night when we went swimming, Violet asked me if the baby inside my tummy was going to go swimming too. She thought that was really fun. :)

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord that everything has checked out great so far. I'm so excited for the next set of playmates to be here. I had a dream last night that my due date was only a week away and then I woke up to face many more months of pregnancy. Oh, well!!! :^)
