Monday, December 21, 2009

Return of the "Hop Truck"

Have I written about this before? I can not remember. But the "Hop Truck" has returned. A few months ago the kids got attached to this card board box they climbed in and (Violet mainly) pretended it was a car they could drive anywhere. It became so fun that we cut doors out of the side so they could open and shut them. The box was eventually destroyed from so much use and it ended up in the recycling pile. Another FedEx delivery provided the perfect opportunity for another one. I thought they had long forgotten about the beloved "hop truck" (Violet came up with that name and I have absolutely no idea why), but when she caught site of the big empty box in the kitchen, she immediately said "A new hop truck!" and it was almost love at first sight. She climbed right in it, pretended it had a steering wheel and said she was driving over to a friend's house. I cut some doors, drew on a steering wheel with permanent marker, and today we spent an hour taping colored paper on it to decorate it. She helped Calvin put stickers all over it and she took some time to write "Hop Truck" on the door and also write a bunch of other things, drawings, etc...all over it. Calvin is starting to "get" these games she invents. He often tries to play along but ultimately frustrates the living daylights out of Violet because he's not "playing it right" and she freaks out. *sigh* Some times they play so well together, other times they're like two feisty cats in a cage.

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