Thursday, January 20, 2011

Violet's 5th birthday

Today is Violet's 5th birthday.  Wow!  I feel like we just celebrated her 4th.  Time is just flying!  She had been crossing off days on her calendar and counting the days.  I put pink and purple streamers on her door last night before I went to bed, and when she woke up this morning, she said "Thank you so much mom for the streamers, that was so sweet of you, they are beautiful!" 
Calvin and Violet both had some muffins for breakfast that a friend of mine brought over yesterday.  Calvin ate 3 of them, Violet had 2.  They played for awhile...and then the doorbell rang.  Grandpa Jon and Grandma Jo sent over a big bouquet of balloons for Violet.  Calvin got to the door first and immediately let the person delivering the balloons in our house.  She was pretty excited to see those!  She said "Look mom!  It says "You're 5 today! with a big hand!" on a balloon. 
We worked on baking her cake, and I let her crack all the eggs and stir the ingredients.  She requested a pink cake with purple frosting, a butterfly on the side, the words "happy 5th birthday Violet" and a drawing of 5 balloons just like the ones she received that morning.  No problem, I can create that with a little food coloring and white frosting piped on the top!  Nothing fancy, she LOVED it! 
It worked out for us to all go swimming at a hotel pool down the road (Comfort Suites) with our friends Kim and Katie.  Kim's husband Randy was teaching a seminar at the hotel so they had access to the pool.  It turned out perfect.  There were more friends there she knew, and all the kids had a really fun time.  We went there from 1:30-3:30 pm.  I picked up Mcdonalds for lunch on the way there since I hadn't had time to feed them and they were happy to munch on chicken nuggets before swimming.  Everybody changed into suits and played in the water.  Violet took her life jacket off and on about a hundred times going from the hot tub to the big pool, because she can't quite swim yet on her own.  She is almost there though, I hope we can get her into swimming lessons soon.
Vanessa even went in the water with me.  She was a little fussy at first, but quickly got used to the water and splashed around.  She mostly chewed on a noodle toy and squirted water. 
When we got home, it was evident that I had two very cranky children on my hands (Vanessa fell asleep and took a nap in her bed) it was movie time.  V and C finished up watching their Little Einstein's video and started begging for supper, so I just heated up leftover macaroni and cheese and meatballs from small group the night before (she chose that menu too).  We served up her cake after singing happy birthday and letting her blow out all 5 of her candles, snapped a few pictures, and juggled the 3 kids, dog on a leash, and multiple phone calls from family wishing Violet a happy birthday.  She got calls from Grandpa Jon, Uncle Jay, and Great Grandpa Loren and Great Grandma Rowena.  She happily chatted with all of them, telling them that she is bigger, taller, looks different, and has all sorts of magical abilities now since she's 5.  :)  She wanted the piece of cake with the 5 on it, so I cut it out of the middle of the cake for her.  She only had a few bites and said she was too full. 
Next she opened her presents.  She got a couple more accessories for her Loving Family dollhouse, two new Leap Frog Tag books (Fancy Nancy at the Museum and Cat in the Hat), a Tag book carrying case, two Cooshie Boosters (she "let" Calvin have one), two Berenstain Bears books, and another present from Aunt Rachel which we haven't opened yet because Rachel wants to Skype with her while she opens it and explain it.
Dave helped Violet download the audio books to her Tag reader and she went through her new books while I put a very tired Calvin to bed at 7:30.  She was pretty tired too but of course, didn't want her birthday to end.  She eventually went up to bed at 8:30 and we tucked her in.  Goodnight Violet, welcome to the wonderful world of being 5!! 

A few pics:

First thing in the morning, she put on her "birthday hat" which she was given at preschool the day before:
 helpin' me make the pink cake:
the flower bud she has been monitoring for weeks decided to make an appearance on her birthday, she thought that was pretty neat!

Decorated cake according to her cake, purple frosting, a pink butterfly, the right words, and 5 balloons:

A surprised look when she opened a gift...I think that is the play kitchen for her doll house.  She said "Oh yes! they needed a refrigerator!"

1 comment:

  1. What a great day you created Maria!
    Congratulations to YOU!!
    Much admiration,
