Friday, January 07, 2011

Vanessa's first food adventures

Vanessa is becoming increasingly interested in food, so here we go!  She has taken to everything I've given her (well, except for her first taste of cereal a few weeks ago) so far.

She likes:
-rice cereal mixed with warm water and smashed bananas
-chewing on thick pretzel sticks to help with teething
-rice crackers (mum-mums)
-banana chunks
-pulp from a clementine orange
-graham crackers
-multi-grain club crackers
-pizza crust (knaws on it)
-regular bread, given in small ripped up pieces
-tips of broccoli florets
-plain cheerios

She enthusiastically tries bites, mashes it up in her mouth, swallows, and wants more!  She is still breastfeeding quite a few times a day too.  I give her sips of water from a regular cup or a sippy cup with no valve.

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