Friday, January 28, 2011

Violet's 5 yr doctor check up

Violet was a chatterbox at her doctor's appointment.  The doctor asked her what her favorite food is and she answered "pickles".  That surprised me!  She hadn't eaten them or asked for them in months.  I thought for sure she was going to say macaroni and cheese.  The doctor asked her if she ate any vegetables and she answered "carrots".  She enjoyed wearing the "little princess gown" they had her change into that was way too long for her.  She got through her vision screening well with no concerns, and was a good helper for me when Vanessa got fussy.  She knows how to make her laugh by playing peek a boo and tickling her.  She already received her booster shots at her 4 yr appointment, so no big shots were necessary, but she did have to get a small finger prick to test her blood for lead, which is required by all schools.  She hadn't had that test done when she was in the 12 month range because her old pediatrician didn't do it and we came to the new office when she was 15 months old and they thought she had it done already.  She was a champ though, sat in the chair and talked up the lab lady and was very brave, didn't even flinch.  Her and Calvin fought over who got to push the elevator buttons on the way up and down, even though I tried prepping them in the car before walking in that I was going to tell them whose turn it was to push the button (there are multiple buttons, handicap ones to open the doors, ones to call the elevator, the button to get to the 4th floor, etc)..but once we got back in the car after the appointment all was forgotten, of course.  The doctor had no concerns and said she was a smart healthy little girl. :)

Anyway, she is 41 3/4 inches tall, and 43 lbs 1 oz (they got a new super accurate digital scale).  I think her blood pressure is 95/62 or something close to that, I didn't write that one down.

Here's some pics:

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of my little niece for being brave at the doctors office!! :)
