Friday, January 07, 2011


I just feel the need to write that.  I feel like life just springboarded into superdrive and everything is changing!  There is really no point to this blog post other than to just write down what's in my head because sometimes I can hardly believe where I am in life.  Husband, house, three kids,  The two older kids have catapulted into being "big kids" (talking up a storm every moment of the day, asking a thousand questions I probably have accurate answers to about 5% of the time, creating their own ideas and acting on them with out any forethought to how much energy or time it takes to do whatever they want to accomplish or how messy they'll get, fighting even more, learning to get along even more, etc...) and Vanessa is already sitting up, eating lots of solid food, and becoming more and more demanding, even though she is still the sweetest thing.  She smiles so big all the time, squeaks, squeals, and gets sooo excited about everything. 
My mind is swirling a mile a minute when the three kids are all awake (thank the Lord that Calvin and Vanessa take naps at the same time) with things to do on top of the second-by-second needs of each child.  Hands being wiped off, "help me fix this", removing day-old gross banana chunks from the high chair seat before putting Vanessa in it, strapping her in so I can go wipe a butt (also thank the Lord Calvin is potty trained!), telling Violet not to speak a certain way to her brother, then dealing with the attitude I get from telling her a corrective thing, get something for Vanessa to do in the high chair so she's not screaming, figure out where Calvin ran off to making sure he isn't in trouble or wrecking something that Violet took time to build with the legos...I could really just go on and on...but that is my day.  Just as I have written this blog post Violet has come to my side about 5 times to ask for help setting up her perler beads so she can make things for her friends.  She can't get the lid off with out my help and I don't want her to open it and splash 9000 beads across the kitchen floor.  I realize this is nothing new.  All moms with multiple kids do the same thing I am doing every day, and there are moms who have even more kids who have MORE on their  God gives just the right amount of grace, mercy and strengh for each
Being a mom totally makes me appreciate my own mom (and dad!) and how much work it is to raise kids...and on top of "the daily grind"...there is the overarching thoughts we have as moms as to how we can shape and mold our kids in the image of Christ and teach them how much Jesus loves them so they will learn they need a Savior. 
No advice needed...really...I just had to get down somewhere what was on my mind.  I do pray about this daily and moment by moment just how to accomplish "life" right now.

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