Friday, January 07, 2011

Update on Vanessa's ear

I went to our pediatrician this morning to have Vanessa's ear checked again.  At her 6 month check up the pedi found fluid behind her right ear drum, and wanted to see it again in a month to see if it was infected or not, or if the fluid had drained on its own.  She looked and had to pick a lot of ear wax out of her ear before she could see well.  There is a tiny bit of fluid left behind her ear drum, which is great news!  The fluid is slowly draining by itself, so there is no infection and no need to see an ENT doctor for further help.  Yay! 

Calvin was like a bug bouncing off the walls of a little cage inside of the doctor's office room.  He played with the toys in the waiting room but once we got into the little room we waited for the doctor to come in for close to 10 minutes.  He wanted to climb on the chairs, climb on the exam table, open and shut the was nuts.  I finally made him sit on a chair and not move, even though he had a sour look on his face the whole time.  He enjoyed running up and down the halls and pushing the buttons on the elevator and the handicap accessible doors to go in and out of the building - I think that was the highlight of his day.  I accomplished a lot while Violet was at preschool this morning.  As soon as I dropped her off at 9 am (and in case anybody is wondering, yes, I did get up at 6:45 am and shower before the kids got up, best decision of the day by a mile, now if I could just squeeze in a devotion!), I dropped off a ton of recycling stuff, bought 4 gallons of milk at Hansen's Dairy, and went to the pediatrician's office in Waterloo.  I was waiting so long I thought I might have to ask Dave to run over and pick up Violet from school, but once the doc came in, the ear check went quick and I was on my way.  I pulled up to her school at 11:20 and waited 10 minutes, I was the first in line, that is waiting.  So that was my morning!

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