Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Unexpected morning walk

This morning turned out a little different than my usual Tuesday morning routine. Dave left the house early to go downtown Waterloo to serve on jury duty. He decided to drive the van because he didn't want to deal with parking the enormous truck on the street by the parking meters. That left me with the truck to take Violet to preschool with. I got them packed in the truck about 8:50 and tried starting it, but it wouldn't start. I noticed that the dome light switch was turned on...which must have killed the battery. I said to the kids "well, I guess we're taking the stroller this morning!" So I quickly got them bundled up and myself, and walked Violet to school. She can't walk as fast as I was walking so she happily rode in the stroller. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to buckle Calvin in the front of the stroller seat (I took the double stroller...the sit n stand). Neither of us noticed, he stayed put and didn't try to move. He was so bundled in layers of his coat that I don't think he could even move. It felt like a really cold morning so they both had on a lot of layers. It was only a 7 block walk, but by the time I got there, I was sweating. Violet was excited to show Mrs. A her new shoes. She told me that Mrs. A has shoes just like hers, with a pink part on the back part of the heel of the shoe. That girl is SO observant. The walk back to the house was much easier, I think its because on the way, the entire walk is uphill, and the way back was downhill, felt much more relaxed and I wasn't in such a rush to get her there on time. She only got there 8 minutes late. I enjoyed the quick burst of energy this morning, I'll get to do it again when I go pick her up from school today at 11:30.

1 comment:

  1. How about that-I got a walk outside today too...the sun felt so good...I was checking up on the "No Trespassing" signs I put up last month and they're still there keeping the snow-mobile riders off the lake.
    Sounds like it was a refreshing walk for you all too.
    Thank you for your fun notes.
