Thursday, March 25, 2010

Violet is usually very helpful, with the exception of one morning

I think it was yesterday, I can't really remember that well. It could have been the day before. Violet woke me up early before 7 am and told me she got the house all ready. She had gone downstairs and turned every single light on she could reach the switch for. I think she reached 7 or 8 lights. It was SO bright downstairs. The sun was even streaming in the windows. I asked her to turn them all off and go back upstairs. I got in the shower and she got my toothbrush ready...and squirted face cream on my toothbrush. Even though she was so proud of herself for getting my toothbrush all ready, I was annoyed because that face stuff is very concentrated, expensive, and she used a ton of it. I showed her which toothpaste I like to use...and said she could only get it ready if she used what I told her she could use. She did the same thing this morning, got my toothbrush ready for me, and accidentally used the expensive face cream again. Once I straightened her out with which toothpaste I like, she headed downstairs and tried to pour herself a glass of water from the gallon of cold water I keep in the fridge. It was completely full, very heavy, and she had spilled water all over the table. I could tell she felt bad about it so I helped her clean it up hiding my frustration with the way the morning had gone. I have a lot of errands to run with Calvin while Violet is at school this morning. I have an appointment in North Liberty for a baby-check and then we are heading to Dubuque to meet up with Josh and Carrie. We're staying in a waterpark hotel for a couple nights (heading back on Saturday morning) and helping Austin celebrate his 5th birthday, which was the 23rd of March. The cousins love to get together so we hope they have a blast and create some fun memories. It will be a nice time to see Josh and Carrie too, time with them is precious as its tough to travel with little kids...soon there will be six kids between all of us. I am hoping night times when the kids are in bed will be good times to reconnect and play some games or something. I haven't packed up yet, and the family has to leave by noon!

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