Sunday, November 01, 2009

Well, now I'm the sick one

I must have caught the cough that Violet had. I have a sore throat and a cough that makes the inside of my throat feel like its on fire. Its sooo painful. I took some tylenol to reduce the pain, that is about all I'm allowed to take right now. My body feels really tired, but no muscle aches or fever. There is also one more medical thing that is really concerning to me. I've had a little mole on the side of my face near my right eye my entire life...and over the years it has grown very very slowly. Its always been light brown. Just in the last day or so, the tissue underneath the mole has become extremely tender and sore, almost like there's an enormous pimple underneath it, but I know that's not it. The mole has turned pinkish, and I can't wait to get it removed. I took a nap this afternoon and found the pressure of the mole against my pillow was even too much pain to tolerate. I had an appointment to have it removed last year some time (per a dermatologist's recommendation, sort of a preventative thing) but that was scheduled pre-flood, and once the flood hit we went into survival mode, so I canceled the appointment thinking I would reschedule soon. That never happened, life got busy, and I forgot about it. Now I'm really wishing I had gotten it taken care of. I'm going call the dermatologist as soon as I can tomorrow and find the first appointment to go get it taken off.


  1. Dear Maria,
    Oh dear please take extra care of yourself!!!
    Perhaps your immune system is weak (being PG is a big drain ya gotta be super healthy!)and so you're getting symptoms of infection and inflammation...they tend to show up in vulnerable areas...and another thought is that hormones and moles might be related.
    I'm glad you're going to check it out ASAP!
    As for all that left over halloween's poison!
    Throw it out or donate it to Lee's gym for bribes...but don't let it hang around and tempt you into a routine of addictive bites. Those empty calories will weakens your immune system, tax your adrenal glands, put your insulin in over-drive, and make ruin any chance of a pleasant disposition! (BEEN THERE...YUCK!!!! Not worth the sweet moments!)

  2. PS: Dad would like you to send him a photo he might have a suggestion on the mole.
