Sunday, November 15, 2009

Calvin reached an unfortunate milestone

He climbed out of his crib the other day. I don't think he even knew he could do it. Violet climbed in his crib to play with him, I lifted him in. I thought they'd be there for awhile, but Violet climbed out herself and Calvin just followed her. I was shocked when I walked back in his room and they were both on the floor. I said "Violet! Did Calvin climb out of the crib by himself?" and she proudly said "yes! he did!" Great. But, I'm thankful he hasn't tried to do it any other time. I've known he was CAPABLE of doing it for a long time now, but he hasn't tried until this one successful attempt. It has been a few days and every morning I still find him sitting his crib just waiting for me to come get him. His first priority when waking up is locating his paci and blanket, so once he has those items he is usually content. I have no plans to switch him to a bed any time soon, he's perfectly happy sleeping in his crib, he just loves it. Sooo...I guess we'll figure it out once baby #3 shows up. Its a borrowed crib anyway, we are using a friend's crib. She said we can use it as long as we need to, but part of me just wants to get our own.

1 comment:

  1. Well, better he can climb out than fall out!
    Go Calvin!

    After all, his mom could climb a four-foot fence in 2 seconds flat from a run!

    But yeah, no hurry, he's probably safer in his crib than wondering around the house without anyone knowing he's "free"!

