Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I need help finding my brain

because I've lost it and can't find it. Seriously, I feel so absent-minded this pregnancy. I can't remember a thing and do things I don't normally do. On Monday I was driving the van home from taking the babysitter home and Violet came along for the ride. She was in the back seat looking at a class picture that her teacher had given her and asked me to turn the light on so she could see better. I turned the van light on and let her look at the pic while I drove home. After we pulled in the driveway and shut the garage door, I forgot to turn off the light. So the next morning when I went to take Violet to preschool, the van battery was dead. Thankfully we have the truck and it was running fine so I took that. Dave tried to use our battery charger to charge the van battery, but it didn't take the charge. Apparently it was just "too dead" to be charged. *sigh* So, Dave had to go buy a new battery, $90 later, it was fixed. And this morning, I completely forgot about going to Bible Study. My google calendar that I organize my life with wasn't updated since we moved the Wednesdays we meet back a week. I didn't update it, so never got notified to go. I have to trust the calendar because it always emails me when I have an appointment or something, but this time it wasn't updated. But I did end up remembering to go to a playdate that was scheduled through one of my friends from MOPS. I got a phone call while at this playdate from Dave, he told me a friend called from Bible study wondering where I was. I was so upset I forgot, I would have much rather gone to Bible study than a play date. Oh well. I forget so easily when things are going on. Some times Dave will tell me that he's going to the garage to work on something and once he shuts the door, five minutes will pass and I'll walk around the house calling for him because I have no idea where he went. I feel like I'm going crazy!

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