Sunday, November 08, 2009


You can bet that if there is an airplane flying overhead, Calvin will hear it and find it before anybody else in the house! That skill was useful today when we were outside on a walk. Dave had just left for the airport, so Violet, Calvin and I went outside. Violet rode her trike and I followed her with Calvin in the stroller. It was such a beautiful day, it topped 70 degrees I think. Violet was wearing shorts even. We left on our walk as a distraction from daddy leaving. He flew to Florida today for Calix's user group conference. I'm not sure what all that means, but he is there to meet a lot of their customers. As we were just heading home on the last part of our walk (and we had gone a long way! About 2 miles), Calvin heard an airplane. It was really close, too. I thought to myself "Could that be the plane that Dave is in right now?" So I pretended it was. Violet saw it, and said "bye dad!!!" as loud as she could muster. Calvin excitedly pointed and said "ay-pane!" Dave called me about an hour later when he landed in Minneapolis. He said "I could tell we were flying over our neighborhood, I was looking out the window for you guys but I couldn't see you." So it was! I asked him if the plane he flew in was silver, he said it was. So it was true, we saw the same airplane that Dave was in fly right over our house! It would have been even cooler if he had spotted us. The plane was still flying pretty low. Every time we see an airplane in the sky, Violet tells me that that is about how high she was when she went on the airplane with daddy. I think she is going to remember that time with daddy in the airplane for a long, long time!

1 comment:

  1. Mom says: COOL!
    Dad says: OH NEAT!

    "The aeroplane can fly so high and penetrate the azure blue but still it cannot pierce the sky to heaven to take us thru.
    What never take us thru? No never take us thru.
    What never take us thru? No never take us thru.
    The blood of Jesus Christ alone to heaven can take us thru."
    (That's from Songs and Choruses # 1.)
