Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pancake morning

Some times I wonder if my kids are bottomless pits when it comes to eating. Its Saturday, I got in the mood to make pancakes. I always make them from scratch, I don't like the taste of box mix pancakes. My recipe is very simple, it comes from Betty Crocker's basic pancake recipe using flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, eggs, oil and milk. Violet got REALLY excited when I told her I was going to make pancakes, and she decided she was going to help. She dug out her apron and pulled a chair up to the counter top before I could say anything! So, we went for it. I doubled the recipe knowing how quickly the pancakes get eaten. She searched for her pink measuring cups in the drawer and proudly pulled them out, saying she was going to use each one. I let her scoop the flour, salt, baking powder, and sugar (I leveled all the ingredients off) an she poured everything into the bowls. She mixed the dry stuff, then we moved onto the wet stuff. I let her crack all the eggs and she did perfect, she was really proud of herself for not getting any shells in the bowl. She knows how to crack them once on the counter top and look for a long crack, and pull the egg apart gently. Once we had the milk and oil in with the eggs, it was time to mix them. I decided to let her do it, and she did an OK job. The batter can't get over mixed and needs to stay slightly lumpy so I took over when it started to look like she needed help. The pan was preheating the whole time we prepared the batter, but I poured the pancake batter onto the hot griddle. I set Calvin up in his high chair next to Violet who was still standing on the chair up by the counter top, and just let them eat together. She loves eating right next to Calvin, she kept yanking his high chair closer to her. And they ate pancakes like they were starving children. Before I could get the first 4 off the griddle, I was plating 2 pancakes for each kid, and they had polished them off before the next 4 were done. I think I lost count how many they ate. Calvin had 4 or 5 pancakes (all covered with peanut butter and syrup!) and Violet probably ate 5. She said she didn't want peanut butter until the third pancake. Ohh-kay. So she had peanut butter on pancake number three. They eventually slowed down, but it was a pancake feeding frenzy for the first 10 or so pancakes that came off the grill. I didn't get to eat any until they had finished. :)

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