Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Violet's first day of preschool

So far it has gone really well! But she's only been there for 1 hour. I'm speaking of the morning and drop-off. She woke up and had some cheerios with daddy while I got a shower. A few days ago when we were in the car we talked about her going to preschool and she asked me if I would be going with her. I told her no, and she started crying in the car. She thought I was going because I went and stayed with her during the open house a few weeks ago. But now that we've talked to her for the last few days about preschool just being for those kids who are three and four years old (definitely not for mommies and daddies!) she seemed to adjust better. I told her her friends would be there (she knows Ethan, the grandson of the fitness instructor at OHC, and she also is familiar with Liam, a son of a friend of mine). I told her her friends mommies wouldn't be there. So Dave got to walk with us over there this morning - he took a short break from work to do so. When we walked there she was happy and wore her back pack. She clasped her hands together because she didn't want daddy or mommy to touch her. I'm not sure what that was about, but maybe she was trying to be "by herself" and convince herself that she didn't need help. We got in the building and saw Rachel, the fitness instructor. She snapped a pic of Ethan and Violet together. We walked down the hall and found the hook for her back pack. She walked in the class room and found her name tag and a teacher helped her hook it on. She asked me to hold her, but I said no, I can't right now because I can't stay. She seemed alright. We both gave her hugs and kisses and left. She walked further into the classroom with out a fit or a tear, we were both very happy she did great. I suppose I'll hear a bunch of stories about her first day when I go to get her at 11:30. Calvin is a little confused why Violet isn't here. He grabbed their favorite trucks to play with (he has a red one, she has a pink one) and didn't really know what to do. He's adjusting - he is playing well today by himself most of the time. I bet he will be very happy to see her. Now for a pic of her the morning of her "first day at school"! (ignore the wet stains in her shirt...Calvin gave her a bite of oatmeal this morning and got her messy...the wet spots were my attempt to wipe them clean...)

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