Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Violet just loved preschool today! She came up to me with a running hug that about knocked me over when I came to pick her up at 11:30. I had gotten there a little bit early and watched them all walk in a line from the little playground to their classroom. She did great, walking nicely, making sure one kid was in front of her and one kid was behind her. All the kids were sitting on the benches by the door waiting for their mommies to pick them up, but I had walked with the double stroller. I knew she'd be tired so I brought the double thinking she would sit on the walk home, and she did. She said many things. I will try remember her reaction. "I got my mommy back! I'm so glad because I love you, and you got your Violet back. Mommy, were you sad? Calvin, were you sad because you missed me? (he answered "yeah")" and so on. She said they colored with markers (but not the same ones that we dropped off), played, sang songs, played on the playground, etc. I don't really know what they all did. She told me she followed the leader. When daddy came upstairs, she was beaming and said "I had so much fun at school to day!" so all-in-all, a great day, she loved it, and I am happy for her.

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