Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My morning

This morning when I woke up I knew I only had one more day to get my Bible study book before it starts tomorrow. I had that on my mental list of things to get done while Violet was at preschool today. I even told myself that we would drive here there so I could head right to the book store with Calvin after I dropped her off. Some how totally forgot what I errand I was supposed to run. I prayed and asked God to help me remember exactly what I was supposed to do...I don't normally just forget things like that, so it was weird. I knew we were out of eggs, so maybe I was supposed to run to the store and get a dozen eggs. I got the kids in the car after breakfast and dropped off Violet at the store, half way convinced that I was supposed to grab eggs before coming home. After I dropped her off at preschool, I drove the car around the north side of the school and saw my friend Trisha parking so she could go into exercise class. I pulled over next to her and said hi. She said to me "Are you ready for Bible study tomorrow?" I was like "thank you God!" because he brought me into the path of a friend who would remind me what I was supposed to do with out even realizing it! I told her I knew I had something to do but couldn't remember, and she just reminded me! I was so happy. I knew I'd be frustrated if I went to run errands and forgot to pick up the book. Yay! She told me to try calling the library since they have a preowned book section of books you can get for cheap. I tried calling the library on my way to the book store, but they said the preowned book store was only open on Mon, Wed and Fri. Well, its Tues, so I took another route. Instead of going out of my way to Waterloo to the Family Christian Store, I decided to check out Wiley's Books on Waterloo Road just a few blocks from where I was at the moment. I stopped in and asked the lady behind the desk if she had the book I was looking for. She checked her computer, and said "oh I'm sorry, we're out of that book at the moment, but let me check the back for a minute." She left for a moment, and came back with the exact book I was looking for. She said "This book is free." I must have had a very puzzled look on my face. She said "We got it free, I'll give it to you free. sometimes missionaries or people wanting to donate books and get rid of their collections give them to us." It had a few markings and highlighted pages, but that didn't matter. I was very thankful to her, and she said "God is good!" I agreed, and packed Calvin back up in the car. I was amazed and thankful for the very clear, simple and effective means God used to communicate to me and help me this morning. He really heard my prayer for help this morning and delivered immediately!

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