Monday, December 08, 2008

I just need to document this

I'm home all by myself! Dave took the kids with him to the hardware store to get a few things. Today was one of those days that the time just couldn't go fast enough. There's just a lot to prepare for. I went to work out class this morning, then decided to run to Walmart and get some groceries. I heard the weather is going to get nasty, so I got basics, like milk and bread. It was a chore dealing with Violet at the store - she was such a pill. She was walking so incredibly slow that I felt like all I said to her was "Violet, c'mon, Violet, this way...." and on and on. I picked her up and put her in the cart, and this set off a major whine-fest. She cried and cried that I put her in the cart - she wanted to walk. No...that wasn't going to happen, I was moving too fast. I called Dave in the middle of all this so he could read me a recipe I wanted to make, and 1/2 way through the call, my phone battery died. I tried turning it back on for a second to finish the call, but it wouldn't even do that for me. I went back to the customer service area looking for a pay phone, so I spent $1.50 in three calls trying to get a hold of him. He didn't answer. I was sooo mad. So I got half a recipe worth of stuff to make. I guess I'll have to make another run to the store later. *sigh* I got the kids home and fed them lunch. They were just SO tired and hungry (NOT a good combination), it wasn't even worth dealing with behavior. After they fell asleep, I worked in the kitchen for awhile, I chopped 3 peppers and 3 onions for the spaghetti sauce I'm going to make ahead of time for when Dave's family is here. I got the chicken out for dinner and let that thaw (of course it was still frozen when dinner time rolled around), and just ran around the house all afternoon while they slept getting things cleaned up, put piles of papers away, etc. During dinner while Violet was eating, she was watching Calvin munch on some crackers. She said "Calvin has a lot of crappers in his mouth!" and after dinner when I was loading dishes into the dishwasher, she came over and started messing with the dirty dishes in the lower rack. Dave pulled her back and said, "What are you doing?" She said "I'm bothering mommy." Oh great! So what do I do when I have the house to myself? Vacuum the entire upstairs of the house! I feel like I never have an appropriate time to get it done, because it takes about a half hour to do it. While the kids are awake, I can't leave them unattended downstairs alone, and while they are sleeping I don't want to be zooming past their bedroom doors. I'm wanting to sit down, but I feel bad resting because there is just so much to get done. I started Calvin on whole milk today. His first few sips were a little unsure. He seemed to like it better tonight at dinner. So far no allergic reactions. He has eaten yogurt and cheese and done OK with that, so I think he'll be OK with milk. I'm really looking forward to Christmas, even though the preparation is going to be a little hard. I am excited that Violet "gets" Christmas a little more this year, and she knows she has to wait to open presents. She was drawing on a piece of paper today and putting stickers on it. She folded the paper and said to me "I made you a card, but you can't see it until Christmas. You just have to wait!" That made me laugh! "Ok my dear!" I said back to her. "I'll wait til Christmas!"


  1. Dear Maria:

    Thanks for your warm notes and your "work of faith and labor of love" 1 Thessalonians 1:3
    There are some good meditations from the current Words of Truth an article by J.S. Hall.
    faith is necessary for works to be accepted before God and even others.
    Labor is more than work, it may involve some sacrifice and difficulty.
    Keep it up dear Maria.

  2. When I told Joanne about the crappers, she reminded me of the rice krispies story
    Pop Snapple Crap!

  3. Whoever came up with "terrible two's" must have held their child back a year. I have a feeling that 3 is going to be my biggest challenge yet.

    How do people do it without God's help???
