Thursday, October 16, 2008

We're finally at "home"

We moved on Saturday. What a day it was. I can't really explain it other than absolute craziness! I couldn't help move much because I was chasing after Violet to keep her out of people's way and holding Calvin on my hip the whole day. He weighs almost 21 lbs now so he was a big lug to haul around. We had tons of people come help. It was a BIG effort too. First we loaded up a 26" truck at the rental house and unloaded at the Briarwood house, then the crew ate lunch so graciously provided by Barb Anderson, then loaded up the river house and unloaded it at the Briarwood house in the garage. The garage was so full, that we didn't even have space to park our car in it! 4 stalls, and its chock full of stuff!! I feel a huge burden to get rid of stuff, big time. I just feel like we have way too much stuff. Dave feels the same way, so I'm glad we're on the same page. We have a different philosophy of getting rid of stuff, though. He prefers to keep stuff that may be useful or of value, and I'm like "just throw it out" or "put it in the garage sale pile already!" I want to do things right this time - now that we feel a great sense of permanency. I want to organize well, store things well, and just keep what we need and want, not extra stuff we don't use or don't like. Teresa Smith helped me set up the kitchen for a few hours the day we moved. That was a big help! I have slowly spent the next few days putting things away and organizing. I spent 4 hours working on our upstairs bathroom - I think I threw away a whole garbage bag of stuff that we had collected over time. Expired meds, hair things I never use, hair products I haven't touched in ages, etc. It felt SO good to get rid of it. When Dave and I were putting clothes away, we both got rid of a big box full of clothes we don't like anymore or don't fit. (sad to say that was the case for many of my things!) My mom was here Sunday helping put the kids' stuff in their rooms. So....I feel the basics are covered. We do have a lot of unpacking and organizing to do in the garage yet, but that will come with time as we have spare time. I'm just ecstatic to finally be here. I can't wait to be all done and organized. The river house is still our property and we are waiting for a possible city buy-out in the spring.

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