Thursday, October 23, 2008

sad moment

Dave and I were just working on the couch together. Well, not really working together, but sort of. I was folding laundry, and he was sitting on the couch wrapped up with something with work on his computer playing 80s music. We have been casually talking off and on, nothing really continuous or connected. I mentioned to him "I'd like to put a little bench for the kids to sit on and put their shoes on over there by the laundry room door." He said "Yeah, that would be nice to have." and then my thoughts wandered and I said "yeah, because Violet used to have that little folding chair in the entry way of our old house...whatever happened to that, by the way? Did it get flooded?" He stopped for a moment and thought. "Yeah, it did." And then there was silence. I just nodded, and kept folding. My thoughts wandered off about the flood, thinking about the house, what it used to be like to trudge up the basement stairs, and the routine of Violet being excited to sit in her little folding chair to take off her coat and shoes before entering the house. I can replay it in my mind like reality. Dave's words then interrupted my thoughts and said "I just had a sad moment. I just keep having reoccuring moments like this about the flooded house. Like that mention of Violet's chair. I can just think about it and get very, very sad." I said "Yes, I know, I was just thinking that. I had a sad moment too. I mean, it was Violet's little chair! She loved that squeaky little thing." *sigh*

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