Friday, October 17, 2008

I have these things written on a piece of scrap paper

and I want to keep them recorded here so I don't lose it. Violet was eating breakfast the other day and she said this: "Mommy, when I'm done with my oatmeal I will lay down on the couch and rest for awhile, OK?" and as she noticed I was writing on this scrap of paper, she said "Mom? What you do? Are you coloring? Or writing? For Uncle Jay or for Molly? or for Daddy or Mommy or Violet or Calvin?" Me: "Violet, you're silly." Violet: "No, I'm a cowboy. I'm a cowGIRL. I will show daddy - I will tell daddy i'm a cowboy, OK?" "I got my last bite!" "Mommy, my tummy is full" Her speech is amazing. I can't believe how much she's changed in the last 4 months. Just 4 months ago she was annoyingly repeating everything I would say to her, but now she's easily conversing with me, coming up with her own ideas and thoughts, and clearly communicating them.

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