Thursday, October 09, 2008

A sweet morning

I had a precious moment this morning. Violet walked silently into my room at 7 am loaded up with Elmo and 3 of her favorite blankets and her special yellow pillow, snuck into the side of the bed where daddy was missing (he's on a work trip right now), and whispered to me "Mama, I will go to feep in your bed, otay?" I mumbled "Ok baby" and she laid her head down and fell asleep for another 1/2 an hour with me. Awww....The sweet quiet moment came to an abrupt halt when she sprung up and said "mama! I'm hungy!!" Calvin even slept in til 8 am, and when I went down to his room in the basement, he was smiling and started jumping up and down when he saw me. What fun! I am so glad he wasn't screaming like usual.

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