Thursday, May 22, 2014

Vanessa's preschool graduation (3-4 yr class at OHCP)

Vanessa's preschool graduation party was on Thursday, May 22.  The teachers had the kids perform "Our God is so big" and then handed out certificates.  Vanessa was sort of sang along with the song and half-heartedly did the motions.  She hugged Mrs. Nuece with a little back-kick of her leg (so girly!) and had fun playing outside with her friends afterwards enjoying cookies and lemonade.  Ms. Willhite filled in for her other preK teacher, Mrs. Netz (who is on maternity leave).  It was fun to have Ms. Willhite there - as she knows Violet, Calvin, and worked at the vet where our dog Abby was frequently boarded. 

Mrs. Knapp announced she no longer was going to be the director of the preschool (she taught Violet and Calvin during their 4-5 yr classes!) because she is staying home with her new baby.

Mrs. Jennie Knapp with her baby Sawyer

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