Thursday, May 29, 2014

Marriage advice

Yesterday in the van with the whole family, Violet mentioned that Grandma Cindy (my dad's wife) was my mom.  I explained that she was not, but that grandma Martha was my mom.  Violet was quickly confused by this, eliciting questions about how this was possible.  I explained that growing up, grandma Martha and grandpa Ted were married.  Then grandpa Ted decided not to love or be married to grandma Martha anymore and married someone else.  Violet asked, "Is that a sin?"  I confirmed that it was a sin.  Calvin chimed in, "That's a baaaad sin."  I then went on to explain that when people get married they should stay married for the rest of their lives.  I pointed out one exception - when a spouse dies then the other spouse can remarry and it is not a sin.  Calvin quickly responded, "But you can't kill them.  That would be cheating." (we are still laughing at Calvin's logic here :)  Maria informed him this would actually be murder.  Calvin went on to say, "You can't change (as in...change spouses). haven't changed, have you?"  "No, Calvin, I haven't changed."  Upon observing their long faces following these comments, I told them, "And I will never change.  I made a promise to stay with mom for our whole lives."  Relieved and satisfied the kid's conversation meandered on to less weighty things.  



  1. You handled that well.
    Those are such teachable and impressionable moments.
    (Like when Violet said her friend said it was OK for a girl to marry a girl...on a walk in Mason City. We pointed out that God did not make us that way and it was a sin to change God's order of things...anyway...I think they learned a bit from that one too.)
    I hope their sensitivity to what is right and wrong isn't corrupted by the world.

