Friday, May 16, 2014

Mama Rowena is back for the summer! Gardening project

The Lord worked out this opportunity to garden together with Mama Row.  I was praying about something we could do as a family with her - and give me an opportunity to learn from her wisdom.  I suggested we find a piece of land and plant some things to grow over the summer.  Just so happened Dave met with his good friend Bob Smith Sr. for lunch one day and Bob says to Dave, "Hey, do you guys like to garden?  I have a piece of land where I plant corn that is hard to get to with my machines and it is good soil."  Dave came home and said, "hey what do you think about gardening this summer?"  Dave had no idea I'd been thinking this, so when I heard him say that, I was pretty surprised and happy. 

We went for it!  We bought some plants/seeds/gardening supplies and started planting on Wednesday this week.  There are 8 tomato plants, broccoli, cabbage, eggplant, sweet and hot peppers, white and red onions in the ground.  We still need to plant the seeds we got.  Carrots, green beans, squash, zucchini, cucumber, watermelon and sunflowers.  Vanessa helped us some while V and C were in school, then V and C helped us do the rest of it. 

The land is on the corner of W. 12th Street and Union road, about a 8-10 minute drive from our house.  We'll be weeding all summer I think!

digging holes for the tomatos

Vanessa helped put plants in the holes. Mama Row showed her the roots.

look at that cute row of onions :)


  1. Wow! Super! Grand! Atta Way! Nice! Very Berry Good, GO GET THOSE WEEDS!
    Spiders, snakes stay away!

  2. Yes - and gardening was what you were interested in last year - what could be better than having the kids work on it! They will learn SO many life lessons.
    To have this experience with GREAT Grandma Row is very special...and she's the best teacher as well as an experienced gardener. So fun to see the kids doing stuff not standing around watching...they seem to really enjoy the "work".
    Keep up the good work! Kudos to Row!!
    Gma Jo

  3. Again...the pics of the kids in the dirt working in bare feet and of Vanessa in her boots and pretty dress is just too precious - and classic! (and they're not even Amish)
    Gma Jo
