Thursday, May 08, 2014

Car seat shuffle

Car seats have been rearranged yet again in our van.  I still like to keep Vanessa on the passenger side for ease getting in and out for preschool drop off.  Eli has been moved to forward facing as he's reached the height limit of his seat facing the back.

Violet's seat has been converted to a booster (harness out, seat belt through the slots now).  Calvin moved to the back, and Eli behind the driver.  Vanessa is in the middle!  She was crazy elated when I picked her up from preK and her seat was closer to me!

Eli now says "Car! Car! Car!" and points to everything he sees when he's driving.  He also says "plane! plane! plane!" which sounds more like "payne".

1 comment:

  1. A whole new look on life fo Eli!
    The subject of car seats could seem mundane, but your stories of the switch are very interesting!!!
