Friday, May 16, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

My family, kids and husband all blessed me over the top for Mother's Day this year.  I had the privilege of having both my grandmothers together, my parents, and my sister over to our house for a combined-effort meal.  My kids had a lot of handmade gifts and cards to give me.  Dave wrote me a sweet card and added a chocolate bar.  The kids and him got together and bought me a little firepit so we can burn wood outside for "campfire" nights - this gets me so excited!

My grandmother Rowena made the main dish, beef bourguignon.  I had to google that word to know how to spell it.  We served it over rice and noodles that I made (my fingers first typed roodles, that would be an interesting food item), and my mom brought a bowl of mixed fresh fruit.  Rachel topped off the meal with a from-scratch angel food cake topped with mangos and strawberries.

My grandma Dee told stories about her past and the plans she had for her life and how they got "disrupted" when she met Joe Pavicic.  She acknowledged the Lord had better plans for her!  She had lofty goals of going to Louisiana to write for a newspaper and travel to New York to work for Vogue.  I didn't know she was such a fashionista!   She met Joe by way of needing a ride from where she was to Gary, Indiana to attend a meeting for college sorority start-ups.  Of course, Joe had a car.  That's where it all began!

Dave mentioned during the meal how thankful he was for our family and the legacies of good strong marriages as examples to us and our children.  I just came across an article that our children's generation is known as "the fatherless generation" ~ too many broken families and single moms.  I am so thankful for my grandparent's examples having dedicated and lasting marriages, my parent's marriage and my father being there, and Dave as my committed husband and father as our children.  I know we have something precious here, like a diamond in a routh, worth protecting with every weapon necessary against attack.

Some things my kids gave me are worth sharing.  I was touched with each one.

From Violet, "Dear Mom, Thank you for being a good mom, I love you so much." and from Calvin, "you are vare swhet oo you are so swhet" = translation, "you are very sweet, oo you are so sweet".  

Violet noticed the words "celebrate mom" in some newspaper advertisements laying around and cut it out and made a flower out of it.  With LOTS of staples.

the inside of Calvin's card to me - he loves me a million times. :)

"To the best mom I've got" = haha!

Eli's handprint from Sunday School

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post
    It was a special day for them!
