Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Eli - 7 months old

Eli tried some bites of food when we were in Texas in December.  He tried some bananas, baby cereal, applesauce, mashed avocado, mum mum crackers, and whole grain puffs.  He didn't seem all that excited about any of them.  He seems like to like the mum-mum crackers.  He just prefers to nurse, which is fine.  He's gaining weight well, tipping over 20 lbs at 20 lbs and 12 oz.  I weighed him at the dr. when I took Calvin to his 5 yr check last week.

I have given him bites of other food since then: oatmeal, toast, bread, applesauce, yogurt, cheese, crackers, noodles, and a few other things, I can't remember.  He spits the food out and plays with it with his hands, other times he swallows it.  I guess he's not ready for that much food yet.  He still only has two lower incisor teeth.

He's crawling AND scooting now.  He pulls up onto things like Violet's bookshelf and empties it, grabs anything he can get in his hands and chews on it, and still loves his pacifier and blanket.  He laughs easily, and really lights up when anybody talks to him.  He likes the element of surprise, playing peekaboo, and especially seems to like Calvin.  Calvin knows how to keep him happy - playing with him on the floor, rolling around, letting Eli sit on him and bounce him.  Other times he doesn't think through what he's doing and might do something too rough with him.  He's a tough little guy and gets over getting hurt very quickly.

Oh, and he loves my sweatshirt strings.  He sucks them til they're soaking wet then sucks the moisture out of them.  He also likes sucking on a wet wash cloth soaked with cold water.



  1. Just keep putting things in his mouth.
    Of course it takes time for him to adjust to "solid food"...make it really easy to swallow at first because he's learned by experience that everything he's put in his mouth so far has been rather "solid" and uneatable. Those baby crackers are a good start but avoid too sweet of things or he'll only prefer sweet down this short road of food introduction. Of course you know that!
    Love his jolly smile!
    Glad Calvin is getting to be his buddy.
    Learning to not get too rough is a "bent" all boys need to learn because they tend to want to use their strength or superiority over others and not always in a mean way...never the less the exuberance of the strong can be harmful to the weaker or younger ones...boys / men need to learn to use their strength or advantages to be protective...just takes an intervening thought to redirect one's abilities...and that is learned. Sorry if I get too preachy!

    1. Nice read thanks for posting

  2. Yay for brotherhood!!
