Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Calvin: whole coffee bean=deer hoof print and other observations about Calvin

Calvin helped me make coffee today from start to finish.  He scooped the whole coffee beans into the grinder, ground them up, and poured them into the filter, all with my help.  He is a kid who is interested in learning how things work, so I explained that the heating element in the back is where the water goes first, then up the tube in the middle, then pours hot water over the coffee beans, the filter lets the coffee through, not the bean grounds, then the coffee pours into the pot.  He was mesmerized by every detail about how it worked.

After we finished, he saw a single whole bean on the countertop and picked it up, thought for a moment, then got a very excited expression of awe on his face.  He said "MOM!!" and I said, "What?!"
He replied, "THIS coffee bean looks JUST LIKE deer tracks!" That was not what I expected to hear.  I am still perplexed how in the world he knew this.  I looked up a pic of what deer tracks look like and I was surprised to see the similarity.

 A pic of a deer track from google:

Calvin likes to announce how things work all the time, no matter if he's right or wrong, he just states things like they are absolute fact.  If Violet isn't around, its serves as great conversation between him and I.  If she does hear him make a grand statement about how things are made or how something works, it gives her something to fight him back on saying "No it doesn't..." just for argument's sake.  *sigh*  She won't just let his comments roll...

Calvin noticed a factory pipe pump out steam or some kind of smoke as I filled the van up with gas after dropping Violet off at school this morning.  I made a run to Hansen's to get milk and filled the van with gas at the same time.

He said, "Mom! Do you know how clouds are made?  That pumps the clouds out.  That thing and God.  They both make clouds for the whole world."

He also said, "Roads never end.  They go all over the world."

and another, "If you need to get somewhere super duper fast, all you have to do is get on lightning, it will flash you there."

He also thinks about the earth and how it spins in a circle around the sun.  


  1. That is so great! (That Calvin is always "figuring things out".)
    I bought Jay and illustrated book on how things work...covering a wide variety of mechanisms with
    great illustrations...I wonder if Jay still has it. Anyway, it was to help explain to Jay how things work since I always had more similar questions than answers. Good for you to go over the coffee process...that will open his mind to many other things.
    Funny...the coffee bean looks more like a deer poop dropping...as they leave a pile of "beans" whereever they hang out at night.
    I like the lightening flash transportation device...but communication is about that fast these days!
    A fun report to read.
    Thank you!

  2. So fun to read! Gotta love this awesome kid. I have the same curiosity about things and LOVE to learn about everything. It makes me tick. Sounds like Calvin has similar interests and I can really relate! As you are, I am super entertained by his statements. The one about the clouds and God is the best! Lol

  3. Love that kid's comments
