Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Calvin - 5 yr well child check

I took Calvin in for his 5 yr well child check up today at 9:15 am.  He was excited to go, knowing that he would not be getting any shots.  He had his boosters done when he was 4.  So glad those were done. 
Dave is out of town in Minneapolis today and tomorrow, so this morning was pretty busy.  I got Violet to school by 7:56 am.  Vanessa was still in her pajamas riding in the van though.  I went back home after taking Violet to school to get Vanessa fed something for breakfast, clothes changed, and Eli fed and changed too.  Then as soon as we had gotten home and completed those tasks, we turned around and got back in the car to go back to Waterloo for Calvin's check up.

I just have to record something Calvin said this morning, he's so silly.  On the way home from taking Violet to school, we drove past Bethany Bible Chapel. He pointed out "there's the church building!!"  and then asked me why it had a big pointy white thing on top, the steeple.  I told him it is a symbol that points up to God because we worship God.  He was quiet for a moment, then said, "Its a good thing that is on top of the building.  It points up to God so we don't have to.  The people inside the church don't have to hold their hands up and point up all the time."  The visual of him thinking people inside having to point up all the time made me laugh.  You crack me up, Calvin!

So on the way to the doctor, we arrived, and of course, he remembered it as soon as I parked the van.  He looked out the window and saw the 5-story building and said, "Whoa! That building has thousands of millions of bricks!"

He pushed the button on the elevator and wondered how it worked.  He remembered that sometimes when he goes with Dave in the mornings to take Violet to school that we sometimes see the doctor in the school.  I reminded him that his doctor has kids that go to the same school as Violet so that's why we see her there sometimes.  He was amazed that she had kids.

We were ON TIME to the appointment! Arriving at 9:10 am or so.  We only waited a few minutes in the waiting room (after he "organized" all the colored beads on the wood maze on the wall) when Calvin heard his name called and walked right back to the nurse.  First thing he was weighed and measured.
He's 44.2 lbs
3 ft 8 1/4" tall.
Both stats are in the 75% percentile, projecting his overall height to be about 6' when he's full grown.  He has grown 3 inches since his 4 yr old measurement.
The nurse led us to room #1 and took his bp and hr.
bp 100/50
hr 96 bpm

She left, I changed him into his exam gown that had zooming rockets all over it.  He said his legs were cold.  Vanessa sat in the stroller and he gave her books that fit in her lap.  Eli was in his car seat the whole time in the stroller.

The doctor came in and greeted us.  She asked what questions I had, and I brought up a concern of mine with Calvin having croup sometimes and his constant sniffing/snorting of his nose.  She asked a series of more detailed questions about the frequency and timing.  Calvin got bored with us discussing so he started playing with toys in the corner of the room.  He was so involved with his bead/wire toy that when she got to his exam, she let him bring the toy up on the exam table as she did her work.  She asked him all sorts of questions about what he likes (food), about his preschool, about our family.  When she got to the question, "What's your mom's name?" he went blank.  She said, "What's your dad's name?" He said, "Dave."  she said again, "So what's your mom's name?" He looked at me and I mouthed "Maria" to him, he looked like, "oh DUH!" in his head...and said "Maria." to her.  Silly boy.  She looked at everything...eyes, ears, nose, throat, tonsils, knees, tummy, breathing, heart, toes, muscle strength, etc.  She was done with his exam and said the lining of his nose is quite inflammed and isn't surprised what I said about his nasal issues.  She wrote a script for a nasal spray (Nasonex) which is a low dose steroid to help reduce the inflammation of his nose and suggested Claritin or Zyrtek to help with his allergies.  We'll check back in a month to see if its going away or not.

I asked if I could use the scale to weigh Eli (I was curious about his weight since its so close to his infant seat weight limit of 22 lbs), and he was 20 lbs 12 oz.  yay! He can stay in it hopefully til the worst of the cold winter is over.

We all made a stop in the bathroom.  Calvin got an angry birds sticker (he was SO excited to get that one!), then we left.

So glad it was a nice visit.  He seemed happy to be there, and the younger kids did a great job too.

 My scene walking in:


  1. Great account. Thanks for typing that up. Love the funny Calvin quotes - his big mind is just trying so hard to put all the pieces together. :) Love the pics with Vanessa and Calvin and Eli and Calvin. Great job today!

  2. I read it out loud tonight after we settled down.
    Thanks again for writing.
    My own childhood church had a bell tower and steeple and it was the special privilege to hang on the bell rope to ring the big bell.
    It could be heard all around town.

  3. BTW Did you figure out how to get more space for photos?

  4. Love the pictures that really captures the event of going to the Dr. and Calvin's inquisitiveness...I can't help thinking, he is so ripe for the truths in God's Word!
    I can relate to the question of someone asking Calvin what your name is and he get's stumped...after all,you're "mom". (The world is full of discoveries at his age as he enlarges his perspective!)
    Anyway, I was always called "Joanne" of course but I didn't make the connect that it was my "name" until a neighbor asked me what my "name" was and I had to go and ask my mom what it was. ..dah.
    I liked your answer to Calvin about what the steeple was for...to point up to God.
    I heard a very good lesson on all the things you can teach a child related to the Biblical ten commandments on Family Talk (James and Ryan Dobsin's radio program)...check it out if you have time! The verses are so easy for children to read and a parent can talk about each one, perhaps one a day for ten days, with their child.
    OK I better go!

  5. Still chuckling about Calvins relief that we don't have to hold our hands up and point up all the time!! I feel like I actually went with you to the doctors. Such a great account. Adorable pic of calving and Vanessa sitting together and calving holding his big little brother. Thanks maria you truly honor and cherish your children by taking the time to write about them and share it with us. I am such a lucky and blessed Auntie!
