Sunday, April 25, 2010

Uncle Jay came for a visit

Jay came up today for a visit. Molly was out of town at a friend's bridal shower, so he made the trip to Cedar Falls to hang out with us for the afternoon. He got to our house around 2 pm, we had pizza for lunch together. We got the kids to bed for naps (which was rather difficult! they were SO excited to see him!) and we got a chance to talk for awhile. I fell asleep on the couch in the middle of our conversation so Dave and Jay took off to let me sleep. They went to Cup of Joe for some java and Dave showed Jay the progress on the river house. In the mean time, I got a nap, which was nice. Violet woke me up when she got out of bed, and Calvin woke up shortly after that. Dave and Jay returned home, and Violet begged Jay to take them outside for a walk. He happily agreed, and took both kids outside for a "walk" around the block, which means they both rode their trikes. Calvin went around the whole block on his trike after just learning how to pedal forwards a few days ago. Violet of course, was first to head out and the first to come back inside. She always insists on being the leader when she goes outside. It works out well though, since the person watching the kids always has her in their sight. For dinner I heated up a spiral cut ham and Dave brought home some potatoes, onions and carrots from the store to grill in a foil pack outside. We seasoned them with s/p, garlic powder and olive oil. Dinner was delicious! Violet scowled as she was forced to eat a few bites of carrots, but she and Calvin gobbled up the ham. Uncle Jay is so fun with the kids. He has enough energy to give in bursts and play silly games that mom and dad are usually not up for. I guess that's what uncles are for! Violet and Calvin were SO wired by the time he left around 8 pm that it took awhile to calm them down. They finally crashed for bed at 9:30. Calvin fussed and cried for a good half hour before he settled down. He always has some owie that needs tending. Tonight his pant leg on his pajamas was too high on his leg and some of his skin was exposed. That really bothers him! Dave pulled his pant legs down and his socks up so they were covered and he seemed to be happy with that. Another thing we finally remembered to do is give Jay back his dress clothes that were accidentally left in our van from SEPTEMBER! He drove to Arkansas and back with us last year for Mama Ruth's funeral, and when we dropped him off in Cedar Rapids at the end of our trip his bag of dress up clothes was left in the back of the van. So they've been hanging up in our coat closet ALL winter, both of us just forgot they were they and its so funny ~ he has visited (or Molly has) at least 4 or 5 times since then, we've just forgotten to make the clothes exchange. So today we finally remembered. :)

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