Thursday, April 15, 2010

So much for housework...

I am getting so behind on stuff around here. I usually update the finances every day so my software matches the bank, but I am a good two weeks behind entering transactions. Each day I get behind makes it that much harder to get on top of it and make it current again. And the time I know I'll need to commit to working on the project is more than I get during nap time. When I get a little down time at night I don't feel like doing I end up sitting down doing nothing. I don't feel like I have much mental capacity lately for anything extra than the immediate work that needs to be done around here just to survive. I just feel super pregnant and overwhelmed so easily. I'm at the stage where I'm forced to walk slower, I can't move as quick as I'd like most of the time, and extra tasks like going up or down a flight of stairs for something (like filing a paper in the file cabinet) do not get done. It took me close to 3 days just to finish putting laundry away after I got back from NY. Ok, so I feel like I'm complaining a lot. There really is a lot to be thankful for. I think I'm just more down this week than normal because Dave has been gone, and I know I have another week ahead of me like this since he'll be in MN again next week.