Thursday, April 29, 2010

Elevation complete on the river house

Elevation on the river house is now complete. There are a few more things to be done before it is marketable, but the majority of the grunt work is behind us. Well, maybe not. I guess this just seems like a big milestone! It was raised up 5 layers of brick, approximately 40 inches. The garage was cut wider and higher and we installed room for three big basement windows to add more light to the basement and cut up the huge wall of brick. We still need to install the windows, get a new garage door, and reconnect the plumbing and electrical. We are having Klunder Homes construct three new wood stair cases. I'm excited to see how nice it looks!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Uncle Jay came for a visit

Jay came up today for a visit. Molly was out of town at a friend's bridal shower, so he made the trip to Cedar Falls to hang out with us for the afternoon. He got to our house around 2 pm, we had pizza for lunch together. We got the kids to bed for naps (which was rather difficult! they were SO excited to see him!) and we got a chance to talk for awhile. I fell asleep on the couch in the middle of our conversation so Dave and Jay took off to let me sleep. They went to Cup of Joe for some java and Dave showed Jay the progress on the river house. In the mean time, I got a nap, which was nice. Violet woke me up when she got out of bed, and Calvin woke up shortly after that. Dave and Jay returned home, and Violet begged Jay to take them outside for a walk. He happily agreed, and took both kids outside for a "walk" around the block, which means they both rode their trikes. Calvin went around the whole block on his trike after just learning how to pedal forwards a few days ago. Violet of course, was first to head out and the first to come back inside. She always insists on being the leader when she goes outside. It works out well though, since the person watching the kids always has her in their sight. For dinner I heated up a spiral cut ham and Dave brought home some potatoes, onions and carrots from the store to grill in a foil pack outside. We seasoned them with s/p, garlic powder and olive oil. Dinner was delicious! Violet scowled as she was forced to eat a few bites of carrots, but she and Calvin gobbled up the ham. Uncle Jay is so fun with the kids. He has enough energy to give in bursts and play silly games that mom and dad are usually not up for. I guess that's what uncles are for! Violet and Calvin were SO wired by the time he left around 8 pm that it took awhile to calm them down. They finally crashed for bed at 9:30. Calvin fussed and cried for a good half hour before he settled down. He always has some owie that needs tending. Tonight his pant leg on his pajamas was too high on his leg and some of his skin was exposed. That really bothers him! Dave pulled his pant legs down and his socks up so they were covered and he seemed to be happy with that. Another thing we finally remembered to do is give Jay back his dress clothes that were accidentally left in our van from SEPTEMBER! He drove to Arkansas and back with us last year for Mama Ruth's funeral, and when we dropped him off in Cedar Rapids at the end of our trip his bag of dress up clothes was left in the back of the van. So they've been hanging up in our coat closet ALL winter, both of us just forgot they were they and its so funny ~ he has visited (or Molly has) at least 4 or 5 times since then, we've just forgotten to make the clothes exchange. So today we finally remembered. :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Dave's 34th birthday

Dave was on a business trip this week and came home last night around 9 pm. I kept the kids awake so they could see him. I did this by feeding them a late supper, getting them in the bath tub late, and taking my time letting them play in the water. Dave got home just as I was finishing getting their pajamas on. They ran outside in the driveway when they saw his rental car pull up and gave him a huge hug. Violet told him we had a surprise cake in the refrigerator for him. I made my own version of a boston cream pie, using yellow cake mix to make a double layer cake, vanilla pudding as the middle layer, and chocolate ganache on top. We all had a piece of cake, and daddy loved it! Calvin only wanted the chocolate. Calvin said he was "happy now" when Dave helped him get a bite of just the chocolate topping, no cake. We really didn't do anything to celebrate his birthday. He had been gone for two weeks on work trips so we hadn't connected much, we didn't plan a party, and didn't figure out anything to get him for a present. Oh well ~ he was just happy to be home with no overnight work trips in the near future.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Progress on the river house

You can tell the brick work is well under way. We added three windows to the basement (the other two are on the east side not visible in the pic). The new, brighter brick on top is obviously new. Klunder Homes completed the wood work necessary this past week that had to be laid on top of the new brick before the house gets laid back down on the foundation. The house movers will begin lowering the house tomorrow morning. When the brick workers were working, we requested they make the garage door wider too, so now it is the standard width of a single garage. You can see the new steel I-beam that had to be put above the garage door. The yard is an enormous mess. There are piles of garbage, useless wooden gates, mortor piles, and extra brick just laying everywhere.

Calvin's trike

A couple weeks ago we picked up a cheap little trike at Target that fits Calvin. He has another one that matches Violet's bigger trike but his legs aren't long enough to pedal this year. I have had the little one inside the house for awhile. He first got on it and couldn't do anything. He put his feet on the pedals and didn't know how to push. A week later he could sit on it and push the pedals backwards. This week he just figured out how to go forwards. He just took off and went around the house, around the kitchen island, through the eating area, and around the house in a circle through the dining room past the front door. He sticks to areas where there is hard flooring, avoiding the carpet. Violet has always whizzed around the house on the trike but now I can't tell by the sounds of it who is on it. I can tell he is proud of his new found ability. He yells "watch me!" all the time.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How about purple?

Calvin suggested a shirt for Violet to wear this morning for the first time. I was helping her get dressed when he walked into the room, saw a purple shirt hanging in the closet, and put his hand on it. He said "Lala, how bout purple?" and she picked the one he was pointing to. It has gray sleeves and stars. He was excited to point out all the blue stars on the shirt. Calvin and I also had a funny conversation this morning. I woke up to his screaming before my alarm went off at 7 am. I trudged into his bedroom and told him I was going to go take a shower and then I'd come back to get him. He quietly said "ok" and I walked out. He was silent until I went to get him after I was ready. I might try that again some time!

Calvin suggested a shirt for Violet to wear this morning for the first time. I was helping her get dressed when he walked into the room, saw a purple shirt hanging in the closet, and put his hand on it. He said "Lala, how bout purple?" and she picked the one he was pointing to. It has gray sleeves and stars. He was excited to point out all the blue stars on the shirt. Calvin and I also had a funny conversation this morning. I woke up to his screaming before my alarm went off at 7 am. I trudged into his bedroom and told him I was going to go take a shower and then I'd come back to get him. He quietly said "ok" and I walked out. He was silent until I went to get him after I was ready. I might try that again some time!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

That's freaking me out, so...

Violet is always acting like Calvin's mom. Today I told her to quit acting like Calvin's mom. She replies, "Why do you always say stop being Calvin's mom, because you're not his mom you're his dad. Stop that, it's really freaking me out. So..." and she continues riding her trike. A little paraphrasing on the first part of her quote, but the freaking me out part is word for word. time I'll let her know that was not respectful, but this time I had to try not to crack up. Gotta love kids. Dave

Friday, April 16, 2010

I saw the weirdest/scariest thing this morning

I went to Hy-Vee today to run some errands, and saw the weirdest thing. Two little girls, probably age 4 or 5, riding together in a little toy electric car. You know, one of those mini little hummer type toys? They were driving in the lane where cars drive. First I saw them in the pharmacy drive-thru, and they continued to drive right into traffic and down the street in front of the Hy-Vee store. One of the girls was motioning to traffic to stop for them as if they had the right of way down the street. I followed them with my van and pulled in front of them when they stopped at a cross street, rolled my window down, and asked them what they were doing, and where they were going. The girl driving said "My house is right over there." A police man ran over near the girls and told me they had an officer coming to escort them home safely.

Violet boom boom

I was often called "Maria boom boom" when I was little. Or maybe even when I was older. :) But poor Violet has had an awful week. She has fallen down more times this week than I could probably count in her whole life. Wednesday afternoon she was running around the house, through the dining room, and smashed the side of her forehead right into a dining room chair. It turned into a purple goose egg immediately. I iced it for 10 minutes and gave her ibuprofen. She fell twice on the deck yesterday, scraping up her hands and knees. She somehow smashed her arm and got a big bruise on it. And this morning she fell backwards in her chair after finishing her cereal. I think she pushed the chair away from the table too quickly (I didn't see it), and made the legs of the chair catch against the grout line in the tile floor. She fell backwards along with the chair and hit her head on the glass door that opens up to the deck. She told me this morning she has lots of owies and needs lots of band aids, and instructed me to tell Calvin to be nice and gentle with her today because she was sick.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Having a baby?

Today in the van while Violet, Calvin and I were out running a bunch of errands, Violet noticed the people in the vehicle next to us while stopped at a stoplight. The lady in the front passenger seat was very large, and most of the front of her was hanging over the seatbelt tightly strapped around her. Violet immediately said "Mommy, that lady has a baby in her tummy too!" I'm glad the lady was not with in ear shot!

What is going on with bed time?

Calvin has been terrible at bed time this past week. He's fine getting ready, he enjoys brushing his teeth and reading books. But when I sing him a song and lay him in bed, turn off the lights and say goodnight, he screams, fusses, and says "all done!" and "owie!" repeatedly to try get my attention. I put him in bed at 8:30, and here it is 9:18, still crying. Its about to drive me nutso!

So much for housework...

I am getting so behind on stuff around here. I usually update the finances every day so my software matches the bank, but I am a good two weeks behind entering transactions. Each day I get behind makes it that much harder to get on top of it and make it current again. And the time I know I'll need to commit to working on the project is more than I get during nap time. When I get a little down time at night I don't feel like doing I end up sitting down doing nothing. I don't feel like I have much mental capacity lately for anything extra than the immediate work that needs to be done around here just to survive. I just feel super pregnant and overwhelmed so easily. I'm at the stage where I'm forced to walk slower, I can't move as quick as I'd like most of the time, and extra tasks like going up or down a flight of stairs for something (like filing a paper in the file cabinet) do not get done. It took me close to 3 days just to finish putting laundry away after I got back from NY. Ok, so I feel like I'm complaining a lot. There really is a lot to be thankful for. I think I'm just more down this week than normal because Dave has been gone, and I know I have another week ahead of me like this since he'll be in MN again next week.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting back to normal, sort of...

The kids have gone through a rough transition with mommy coming home, daddy leaving for the week, and mommy trying her hardest to get them back on their regular sleeping schedule. I considered it a success last night when I tucked them both in by 9:30 pm (ideally I'd love for them both to be sleeping by 8:30)...and this afternoon I made a point to run all my errands between 10 am and noon so they could get lunch at a decent time and down for their naps by 1 pm. I could tell they were SO tired. Both were sleeping by 1:10 pm. We're moving in the right direction!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pics from NY visiting Rachel

Rachel and I outside Dr. Dean Bartlett's ortho office We snapped a pic of us wearing moose hats ~ very "adirondack-y". Out to dinner with Dean and his son in law, Matt, at the Log Jam. Visiting Great Uncle Gene (my grandma Delores' brother)

Monday, April 12, 2010

My trip to visit Rachel in NY, April 8-11, 2010

So, I'm setting apart time at the moment to record my trip to visit Rachel last weekend. Grab a drink, this one is gonna be a long one. Right now the kids are supposed to be sleeping, but I keep hearing Violet sing. At least she's in her room. They are both very tired, after you probably read about their very "off schedule" weekend with Mr. Mommy. They all picked me up at the airport last night (my flight came in at 9 pm) so they didn't get to bed til after 10 pm again. My mom came down to Cedar Falls Wednesday night to get Violet and Calvin out of my way so I could prepare and pack. Violet had preschool Thursday morning, so mom took Calvin for me on a walk outside and entertained him for two hours. I was able to pack in silence and get prepared. I could feel my nerves a little creeping up on me, after all, it is a little weird to just "disappear" for a few days in the lives of my children. I purposely didn't tell Dave a lot of things that I thought he should know before I left...for a couple reasons. 1) I didn't think he'd remember and 2) I knew he could handle any situation on his own just fine. And since he's daddy, not mommy, he's different that I am. He only called me once to ask for help ~ the question was how to use the Oxiclean stain remover (the instructions were taped to the inside door of the cabinet in the laundry room...that was the only answer he needed). :) My trip began Thursday afternoon. My flight was scheduled to leave at 12:42 pm, so after we picked up Violet from preschool at 11:30, we left for the airport. I had 3 flights that day, one from Waterloo to Minneapolis, one from Minneapolis to LaGuardia airport in NYC, and another short flight from LaGuardia to Albany. The drive to Albany from Rachel's place was an hour. I had wrapped up some candy bars (KitKats) in wrapping paper as presents to give to the kids right when I left so they could have something fun and different when I was leaving. It seemed to work like a charm. Violet told me she was going to be brave and told me to be brave and not cry either. I knew Calvin wasn't really understanding what was going on, so I just told him I was going on an airplane and I'd be back in a few days. Everything with him is momentary anyway, no need to explain much. All he knew over the course of my absence was that I was in an airplane. They loved the surprise of chocolate and happily munched away while I gave them hugs and kisses in the car. Dave and I said our goodbyes, and I was in the airport by myself. I had already printed my boarding passes so all I had to do was go through security. Soon I was on the airplane and landed in Minneapolis a short 37 minutes later. I communicated to Rachel and Dave mostly with texting as I updated my flight status...about to take off, just landed, etc. When I got to the Minneapolis airport, I found where my next gate was and asked the flight person behind the desk if I could get an aisle seat. No such luck today. I got stuck in the middle between two people. I was hoping to have that freedom to get up whenever I wanted so I could go to the bathroom and stretch my legs...but it didn't turn out to be that bad. I asked the guy I sat next to if he'd be willing to switch with me but he said he'd get up for me if I wanted, and kept his aisle seat. Conversation between the people I was in between was short and brief. The lady next to me began intently working on sudoku puzzles and the guy who wouldn't switch with me plugged in to his Ipod music for the rest of the flight. Fine with me, I just relaxed, read a book I brought along, and snoozed a little. The 2nd flight was 2 1/2 hours...definitely enough time to be in an airplane. I was glad to get out of that spot. I had a couple hours to wait for my next flight so I stopped for a meal. I ended up with a huge bowl of fresh fruit, yogurt, and a bottle of water. I settled into a spot in the airport and ate slowly knowing I had lots of time to kill. My third flight was a bit confusing, I had to ask a few people where I was supposed to go. My first two flights were on Delta and my third flight was on US Airways. I had to go out of the airport to a different building nearby, check in and go through security again with US Airways, and board a plane there. The last flight was only 40 minutes. Rachel was excited to see me, and surprised me with some yellow and purple flowers. The airport in Albany is very small so getting out to the spot where she parked her car was really easy. The drive back to her condo was only an hour. I was kind of tired of sitting but it was nice to be in a space that was more socially comfortable, not among a group full of strangers. We chatted all the way back to her place, I told her about my travels. As we got closer to Queensbury, she talked a lot about the town and where she goes to shop, etc. The night was really late by the time we got home, neither of us could handle much more conversation as she had worked a full day at the office and I was really tired, so we both were happy to go to bed and start again in the morning. She was kind enough to let me sleep in her bedroom where there were room darkening curtains and a fan. She slept in her guest room. Friday morning we rolled out of bed around 9 am. We fixed breakfast in her condo before heading out for the day. I made her a fried egg with the yolk a little runny on top of toast. She even had lawrys salt to season it with...that is Dave's favorite way to make fried eggs - and now its my favorite too. She was surprised to see the egg cook with just nonstick spray - no need to "fry" it. We also ate muffins, friendship bread, had coffee with real whipped cream, and a dose of 1000 mg Vitamin C. The day was filled with going to many places. She was excited to show me around the town, her local places to go, and the office where she works. We went to the office where she works (Dean Bartlett Orthodontics) and met many of the staff. It wasn't a patient day - so everybody working was catching up on things. Dean arrived a little while after we did with two trucks FULL of paper products; toilet paper, paper towels, etc. He said he makes a run to buy paper products in bulk about three times a year...this was one of those days. My eyes got big and I think my mouth even dropped looking at the amount of stuff he had purchased and was loading into the basement with the help of his friend Henry. But I guess a busy office that sees around a thousand patients a month plus a full staff needs that kind of stuff for their daily operations! Rachel and I kept moving. Dean told us he'd put us to work if we just kept watching! So we moved on. Rachel drove me up to see Lake George, a 32 mile long lake that sits at the bottom of the mountains. It was only 10 minutes of a drive up there. It wasn't tourist season so almost everything was closed, but it was still very pretty. We walked along the beach for around an hour. Both of us felt hungry for lunch so we went to the place she had planned on going, called Suttons Market. It is a combination gift shop/market. They have a quaint little restaurant on the bottom floor of the gift shop that served us THE BEST soup and salad combo I have ever had. It was really delicious. I got cauliflower-cheddar soup in a bread bowl with a fresh veggie salad topped with their homemade poppy seed dressing. It hit the spot. We walked around the gift shop ooh-ing and aah-ing over all the cute little unique things they had. I got Violet a little bouquet of flower-shaped lollipops. She wanted me to see another gift shop so we drove to another one called Silo. They were closing soon so we didn’t have too much time to meander around. Thinking we had spent enough time away from home, we went back to her condo to relax a little before dinner. We watched an hour of TV, then changed clothes to get ready for supper. Rachel had made plans to go out to eat at one of Dean’s favorite restaurants called The Log Jam. Dr. Dean Bartlett joined us along with his son-in-law, Matt Drexler. His wife Marilyn and his daughter Nicole were gone for the weekend at a dog show. It was nice to meet the doctor Rachel is working with that I had heard so much about. His eyes reminded me immediately of Barney Fife from the Andy Griffith show. Very open, bright, and wide-eyed. He was well-spoken and polite, and we all made good conversation. The food was also really delicious. We had a full salad bar, ordered entrees, and I was instructed to save room for dessert. I did – only eating a small salad and half of my steak entrée. It was hard to stop eating my entrée though. I ordered a dish that came with two steak fillets covered in garlic butter sauce, tomatoes, feta cheese, and shrimp. My side was smashed potatoes. I was wondering why I had to save room – but I quickly found out. The dessert menu is displayed on a special wooden paddle – and I didn’t have a choice other than to order a “mud pie”. My eyes got really big and I said “whoa!!!” when it was placed in front of me. Everybody ordered one mud pie – so there were four on the table. That added to the shock effect of the size of the dessert. This was a huge slice of ice cream pie, probably 6 inches tall…made with coffee flavored ice cream, enormous chunks of oreo cookie inside the pie, drizzled with a huge amount of hot fudge and covered with whipped cream and a cherry. I ate half of it, and took the rest home. Dean always orders his mud pie with no whipped cream, and didn’t even have to tell the waitress – she already knew. Dean polished off his entire piece, and also finished Matt’s piece when he couldn’t eat anymore. I didn’t expect that from the slim, fit doctor. But he had only eaten a piece of broiled swordfish and a plain baked potato for dinner. We ended our meal and took home our leftovers. Dean was generous and treated the whole table to dinner and dessert. Rachel and I headed back to her place and finished our TV show, feeling very full. We went to bed shortly after that. Saturday morning we woke up at 8:30 am. Rachel wanted to take me to breakfast at a local coffee shop called Cool Beans. We got ready by 9 am and left. We both had yummy mochas and blueberry scones. We made plans with my mom’s Uncle Dean (I guess he is my great uncle?) to visit with him at 9:30 am that morning. He lives in a retirement community right across the field from Rachel’s house. He is my grandma Delores’ brother. We finished the last sips of our coffee a little late and made it to his place by 9:35. He was waiting for us in the library of the building, and we sat and talked to him for about an hour. He asked Rachel about how her work is going, and was really excited to talk about the Bible, what TV preacher he was enjoying, and how much he liked going to the church up on the corner. He looked a lot like Grandma Delores, same face shape, same hands, same feet. He talked similarly to her intonations too. We snapped a few pictures of us together and then left. Rachel really wanted us to experience downtown Saratoga Springs together. Saratoga Springs is about 15 miles south of Queensbury, so we drove there and found a parking spot quickly. Rachel is a very good parallel parker! We walked around the downtown strip for a couple hours. I noticed a store called “Violet’s” so we decided to explore. It was a high-end clothing store with unique fashions ~ and me being super pregnant I felt a little silly looking at these types of clothes! I really thought I was the only pregnant lady in that whole town. We tried looking at a few stores for some summer work shirts for Rachel to wear underneath her white doctor coat, but didn’t find anything. Almost everything had fabric that was too floppy and unprofessional looking. She wanted to take me to an Italian place called Fornos, but it wasn’t open for lunch. We opted for another place that I chose, called Wheatfield’s Restaurant Bar. I wanted to go there because the sign on the door said it used local produce dealers to buy their food. I like fresh stuff, so we tried it. It was also another Italian place ~ a nice surprise. We each ordered lettuce wedge salads with pancetta, goat cheese and tomatoes. We split the bruscetta for an appetizer and split an Italian sausage pizza. She kept the mushrooms on her side, I left them off. It was a really delicious lunch, and we decided to go to a different mall nearby. Rachel stocked up on some hand soap from Bath and Body works, got some shampoo and conditioner from a salon, and found some other clothing items. Matt had mentioned at dinner the night before (at the Log Jam) that the Trans Siberian Orchestra was “in town” performing Saturday night. “In town” meant in Albany, an hour away. He thought it would be fun to get tickets and go. We thought about that idea for a minute or so and agreed that yes, it would be cool to go. So while we were shopping in Saratoga Springs, Matt worked out getting the tickets and agreed to drive us there. We made a pit stop at a little german restaurant called the Heidelburg and Rachel picked up some potato skins to go ~ and we ate those quickly for supper at her house before driving to Matt’s house to meet up and drive to Albany. The Trans Siberian Orchestra was definitely an experience!!! I am not sure how to describe it. A guitar show? A light show? A piano show? It was all of the above! An amazing orchestra of 8 string instruments, three or four electronic guitars, amazing vocalists, and talented piano players all played some intense, lyrical loud music along with some very crazy lighting effects. I guess you’d just have to look them up on or something to get a taste for their music. It was pretty crazy, and very entertaining. We got seats in the last row of the main floor near the back, so it worked out for me to stand up in a more comfortable position for the last hour of the show. We got home after midnight and went right to bed. Sunday morning we slept in til 10:30. I really needed the extra sleep. A whole day of walking the day before left my feet tired and throbbing. I did wake up feeling refreshed. Rachel wanted to take me to another favorite restaurant, but we chose to skip it and just have breakfast at her place, relax, pack up and take off for the airport with ample time. Rachel made some cheesy scrambled eggs, and we ate more muffins and friendship bread, coffee, and vitamin C. My flight back home was scheduled to take off at 1:50 so we left her condo right at noon. The drive was nice, gave us a chance to talk, and she helped me record our adventures on a piece of paper, which has been helping me to blog about this trip. I have a terrible memory lately! My flights home were uneventful. The first flight was on US Airways ~ that flight was very short. I used the rest room on that tiny little plane and wow, was that bathroom small!! I got in the “lavatory”, turned around to shut the folding door, only to find my baby belly smashed up against the door with about a half inch to wiggle to use the restroom. Ah the joys of traveling while very pregnant. The next two flights were on Delta, so I had to do the same re-checking in, going through security for a second time that day. I had about 15 minutes til boarding time so I grabbed lunch while I could, knowing they don’t serve meals on airplanes anymore. I got some pasta and meatballs at Sbarro. Time went quick, I ate fast, and had to board the plane quickly. I was able to get a better seat in the aisle on the way home, which was nice. The airline had assigned me to a window but the man who switched with me was very kind. The second flight from NYC to Minneapolis, the lady who sat in the middle was very, very chatty. She struck up a conversation with the guy next to her by the window (who switched seats with me) and quickly found out that he is a Delta flight attendant who was traveling to an annual training class to keep up his flight attendant certification. She had plenty of questions about the flight industry for this man and their conversation kept me entertained most of the trip. I was in on a few parts of the conversation, but I stuck to reading a book, working on a Sudoku puzzle in the airplane magazine, and relaxing. I got up to walk around two times on that flight and was ready to get walking by the time the plane landed. I only had to wait an hour to board my last flight to Waterloo – so I got an iced decaf latte from Caribou Coffee and paced the hallways until they called us to board. It felt so much better walking around slowly than sitting in one spot. I was getting really excited to see my family! The last flight was very fast, 35 minutes from take-off to landing. I could see Calvin bouncing around from the window of my airplane seat when the plane pulled up to the airport. He gave me a huge running hug when I appeared in the airport and screamed “Hi mommeeeee!!!!” and Violet was anxious to hug me and give me a present she made for me (a cardboard box with an envelope inside of it which had a drawing inside the envelope). Dave had a bunch of purple chrysanthemums for me which Violet was happy to hand over to me too. I gave Dave a big hug ~ and both kids wanted more hugs. Calvin just kept saying “Hi mom! Hi mom! Home now?” and I reassured him that yes, I was home now, and I was all done with the airplane. I asked the kids for help getting my suitcase off the carousel at the other end of the airport and that was all they needed to hear ~ they both bolted off running at top speed to where the suitcase came inside the airport on the black moving sidewalk. Both kids were so cute in their pajamas. Violet was wearing her new white strappy sandals, too. Violet became nonstop chatter from the moment I appeared to the moment we got home, anxious to tell me everything she could think of. The kites they flew, the sticker book grandma Rowena had sent in the box, the sidewalk chalk, etc, etc. Calvin kept saying “Hi mom! Home now?” and Violet told me she was brave, but she still missed me and cried a little at times. It was hard to get them to bed when we got home at 9:45 pm. When Dave was at the store on the way to pick me up getting the flowers, he picked up a ½ gallon of strawberry milk so the kids were very excited to have “pink milk” when they got home. We eventually got them in bed by 10:30 pm ~ and they slept in til 8:30 am the next morning. It was nice to be home. I forced myself to relax and not worry about them while I was gone, and I’m glad I did. Both kids really need a bath, though! Mr. Mommy didn’t give them a bath, nor did he even brush Violet’s hair once while I was gone. Not that it looked terrible, but I could just tell they were ready for a bath. My plan for when they wake up from their naps is to throw them both in the tub for a much needed scrub-down. I trimmed Calvin’s finger nails before his nap today and under his nails was black, black, black. Ew ew! So here we come…scrub a dub dub, two kids about to be in the tub!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm home. :)

Good job, daddy!! And by the way, I practically had to beg him to blog about his experience being Mr. Mommy. But he really deserves the title of daddy, because he is a great daddy and I knew the family would be just fine when I was gone. Of course I expected the schedule to go way outta whack, and it sure did, but hey, everyone is still alive. And they had fun! And did new things, so congrats daddy. I'm proud of you. I am tired from a day of traveling so will update on my trip when I get more time tomorrow.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mr. Mom

This is Dave, dropping in for a visit on Maria's blog. Maria is in Glenns Falls, NY currently enjoying a fleeting taste of freedom before baby # 3 comes along. Whew...who knew parenting was this much work? I'm pretty sure every parent knows and I never listened when they told me. So, it is now Saturday afternoon at 4:27 p.m. CDT. The kids have been in bed for 27 minutes. Yes, they got to bed about 2.5 hours later than normal. In fact, normal hasn't been normal since Maria left on Thursday. I don't have her schedule down...and I tend to be a little laid back. *grin* The kids should be in bed by ~8:30 p.m. and up by 7 a.m. or so. They should take naps around 1:30 p.m. So, has their scheduled matched that since Maria departed our shores? It depends on what time zone your perspective some time zone I have matched the normal schedule. :) But in the Central time zone I have not done so well. They've been getting to bed around 10 p.m. and up around 8:30 a.m. I've been getting to bed about 1:30 a.m. and up around 8:30 a.m. They've been getting down for naps around 3:30-4:00 p.m. and up by 5:30-6. So, yeah... See, it's never my intention for things to end up this way, but my ADD brain (bad brain!) never estimates realistic times for things (just ask Maria). Like today. It was about noon when I headed out the door to run a bunch of errands. Let's recycling, return movie, get a coffee at Starbuck's, drive to Waterloo to the transfer station to try to get rid of some old florescent light fixtures, drive to Facets to get my ring sized (and it was closed), go to Sam's club for a few things.'s noon...I should have them in bed by 1:30 p.m. easy. See what I'm saying? Clearly not logical as I look at it now, but at noon it seemed possible. So, with all that said, bedtime has always been an 8:30 target...but I always head-out on errands that seem short when I leave, but then the kids end up in bed at 10. Oh well...I don't have my voice of reason (Maria) to inform me on how ridiculous my time estimates are. The kids aside, you never know how responsibly you really are until you lack all accountability. So, what have I done the last couple nights? Rented movies and gotten to bed at 1:30 a.m. It has been fun, though. Plus, I've gotten movies that Maria wouldn't want to watch anyway. The first night we had Mc Donald's for supper. Mmmm...healthy. The kids didn't finish their cheeseburgers, so I had some of their leftovers...following my meal of course. Mmmm...healthy. If this email seems a bit chaotic and unorganized, then you're getting the right picture about life without mom around! :) Friday we got breakfast cleaned up about 10 a.m. Not bad. :) Headed out to Bob Smith Sr.'s to help him hook up a printer. Hoped to meet up with Violet's friend Katie and her mom Kim at the library for puppet/story time at 10:30. Another 'solid' time estimate. I'd leave our house at 10, get to Bob's (10 mins), hook up the printer, and drive to the library (10+ mins) in time for storytime...or be just a little late. Well, it wasn't a simple printer hook up job (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) and I wrapped up about 11:45 and was invited to stay for lunch at Bob's. I was more than happy to give up my visions of feeding kids at our house and having to make lunch and all that and clean-up. I stayed for lunch and we all ate well with Deanna's cooking! I had been promising to fly kites with Violet so I figured we'd squeeze that in before nap time. We had a lot of fun doing that. We bought Violet a butterfly kite. She had it fully extended in the sky for the longest time. Couldn't stop announcing that her kite was higher than Calvin's. Calvin's kite was a Toy Story kite. I got it up for him and told him to not let go. Ha. Next thing, Violet is screaming bloody murder because Calvin has let his kite go and surely the world was going to end imminently. It didn't. I caught the kite after a good dash, and Violet was coaxed back to a state of relative peace. Fun. So, Calvin flew his kite for bursts of 10 seconds at a time, then handed it back to me and wandered around. We did have was a lovely day. So, this was after nap time arrived a bit late on Friday. I got them down finally, after washing dirty little feet and cleaning green yogurt from Calvin's shirt. what. I had a project. When the flood hit in 2008 we had a large plastic outdoor storage bin that got flooded. Post flood, we were not in the mode of 'lets save things,' as all appeared to be lost and all was covered in detestable mud. I had tried to beat this thing into pieces with a large hammer to get it out of the shed it was in when the flood hit. My visions of bashing it to pieces ended up with me taking it appart because it would not would only minorly crack. It then laid around outside for the better part of two years, enduring all types of weather. It was caked with mud and sand and was a sad sight. About a week ago I saw it and thought, this thing will not die. It is a fighter. It deserves to live. It would be more trouble to dispose of it. So I brought it to our house and during nap time on Friday I got out the power washer and cleaned every piece of that baby. I was drenched and muddy from head to toe (you know how spraying a power washer into small plastic cavities causes much reverse spray...). That thing snapped right back together as good as new. Wow. So, that was naptime on Friday. Violet awoke at the end of that and I swept out the garage. I then put on a movie for the kids while I showered...again. Then it was out to do some errands. Another gross miscalculation. Went to the movie store, then to the river house, then to Home Depot to return some windows, then home to feed the kids. How does Calvin get the most brightly colored thing he's eating on his clothes everytime...with a huge bib on, even? So, throw his clothes in oxyclean for the night. And they were in bed by 9:30-10. Ah...what is wrong with me? Oxyclean...bad idea...had new bluejeans with new striped shirt with lots of white striping. This morning the while striping had turned blue. Drgh....harumph. Took out the jeans, new water...oxyclean with just the shirt this time. Hope to resurrect! This morning, up at the 8:30 crack in the morning. Reheated pancakes for breakfast. Feeling like a maid. i can eat. Ok...put the kids in front of a movie...head to the shower. Now it's a bright and early start to the day and I'm heaing out the door at noon. Which loops us back to an earlier part in the email where I already described the day. Except for the part where Calvin had poop on his finger that he was very very distressed about when I went in his room at 8:30 this a.m. It must have just happened cause it wasn't on anything else I could find. I'm thankful he knows what it is and is disgusted by it and doesn't want to touch anything else. Good Calvin! :) So, after cleaning that out from under his fingernails and up his back, we were good to go. Boy... So, here I am at the one span of freedom in the day...nap time. An hour of it has gone by already, so I better get to work fixing the closet door, hosing out the garage and trimming our acre worth of bushes...all in the next ~ 1 hour till the kids wake up. Yeah...right. I know how this will turn out. I should take my ADD meds or something...these ambitious time estimates will be the end of me. We're missing mommy. We need her to return to synch this ship back up, and bring clarity and reality back to our reality. :) We love you, Mommie! Looking forward to your return. This mom stuff is quite a trip. :) Signing off on Saturday afternoon. ~Mr. Mom.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

leaving for NY tomorrow

I'm taking off for New York tomorrow (Glens Falls near Albany) to visit Rachel. My flight leaves at 12:40 pm tomorrow and gets back some time Sunday evening, around 8-ish, not exactly sure when. I wanted to make a visit to see her before this baby is born, and also because her commitments to the orthodontist she is working along side are short-term and I really wanted to see her place and where she works before leaving. Dave is going to be by himself with the kids. I'm sure they will love all the attention from daddy for an undivided span of time! I'm a little sad about leaving, only because my role in the family is so involved, and I will miss them all so much, but I'm also looking forward to the change and getting a break from them, its a catch-22. Dave hasn't ever had this much time alone with the kids by himself so it will be a different challenge for him too. I cleaned quite a bit today, I almost felt like I was nesting. I did four loads of laundry, and even put it ALL away. I got out the bottle of antibacterial spray and went over the whole kitchen, put things away, organized, and swept/wet jetted all the floors. This was after I stocked up on groceries during the time both kids were sleeping. I'm exhausted from cleaning! I know the next 6 weeks before the baby is born are going to FLY by so fast. And we still don't have any names picked out!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Friday, April 02, 2010

River house is elevated!

Only half of the work is done to completion of this whole project, but the house is now completely elevated to the height it will be after the brick work is done. Wednesday the house movers elevated the house approximately 12 inches. Dave explained to me that it is a very slow process, involving 2 days of elevating. The steel I-beams are put in place, and a very strong hydraulic system is used to raise it up. They go up an inch, tweak and balance, and go up another inch, tweak and balance, go up another inch, etc. Thursday they finished the height of elevation and now the rest of the work will be completed by another masonry company who will build up the brick foundation. Then the house movers will "set" the house back down on top of the new foundation and take out the support beams. The brick people do all the "repair" work and patch up the brick holes that were busted out for the beams to be inserted. We went there yesterday to see the progress...its just crazy and amazing to stand inside the basement of our old house and see the sky and feel the wind at the same time. We both felt like we were in some kind of dream seeing the house "floating" above its foundation a good 40 inches. The brick people said they can start on Monday. We have a few decisions to make before they start: where to insert the new basement windows, the width and height of the garage door opening, and Dave has to build a few wood window frames. It will be a busy weekend! Some pics:

first thunderstorm of the year

Today was the first thunderstorm of the year. It was refreshing to me because I really like thunderstorms and I enjoy a good rainfall, especially in the spring time. The winter was so long and cold that even a storm was welcome! The sky grew very dark around noon, the kids came inside from the deck because it was too cold, and the storm approached very quickly. The rain was heavy, the lightning flashed, and the thunder rolled. Violet told me she was really scared, and immediately ran upstairs to bring her baby dolls downstairs and "comforted" them telling them it was OK and they didn't have to be scared. I got them distracted with lunch, both ate a lot of banana slices and a peanut butter sandwich. I ate some veggie beef soup and Violet asked for a little bit of it. I gave her her own little bowl of soup and she actually ate it! She said she loves carrots, and ate the potatoes which she has claimed for at least 2 years that she doesn't like potatoes. While I was getting lunch ready, both kids were plastered to the window intrigued by the storm. I opened up a small window a few inches so they could hear and smell the storm but it wasn't open far enough that any rain could get in. Both of them wanted to "see" the thunder so badly. :) So cute, it made me smile. The moment turned from sweet to sour pretty quickly. Calvin apparently was "in Violet's way" too much and she purposely shoved him hard enough to make him hurt, and he ended up in tears, and she ended up in time out for making him hurt on purpose. *sigh* At least the pic is sweet.