Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Up until today, we didn't really have plans for Halloween, but we came up with some costumes last minute that would work for the kids to go out for an hour tonight. Violet wore her dress up princess dress and Calvin wore the costume we got for Violet last year (she was too scared to wear it). At first glance of the Elmo costume, Calvin FREAKED out. He is scared of live puppets and things like that, so he was not a fan. Dave decided to trick him into wearing it though. We put a hat over his eyes so he couldn't see, and we stuck the cost over his head, and made him wear it. At first he cried, got a glimpse of the front of his costume and said "Elmo!" in a horrified tone. It was so funny though. He got over it quickly. We went outside and started trick or treating around the neighborhood and he eventually warmed up to the idea that people were ready and willing to hand him candy. Dave kept him entertained with skittles and milk duds the whole time. Violet walked up bravely to every door and said "trick or treating!" before even waiting for the person to open the door. She had a lot of fun, and knew that a house was available to walk up to if the porch light was on. Calvin melted down quickly after a few houses, so we traded off carrying him around. I took him back to the house so I could start handing out candy for the remaining hour and Dave and Violet went to a couple more houses. Soon they came back in. We bought too much halloween candy, so now we're stuck with a few pounds of sugar. I don't know what we're going to do with it. Each kid had quite stash of candy. Violet was only interested in the suckers, and Calvin was interested in anything he could get his hands on. I think he had a few M&Ms. Both kids were wired. They were jumping and down all night, climbing on the chair and couch like crazy. The night turned quickly sour when Violet hit a wall, she just started whining and needed to go to bed. Didn't help much that she slept about 30 min for a nap today. them in bed quickly. We brushed the kids' teeth extra long tonight trying to get all the sugar off their teeth. I flossed V's teeth. Then Dave and I cleaned up the house, and right now he's vacuuming. :) He apparently caught a cleaning bug in the picking up process. I feel like we pick up the house and make it look presentable every single night, its a battle that never ends. Put toys away, do dishes, clean up papers and magazines, pay a bill here or there, sweep the floor...etc. At least I have a husband who likes it just as cleaned up as I do! He is a great help.

1 comment:

  1. About the jumpin' up and down until they hit a wall...Grandpa Joe would always say about kids: "After the sunshine comes the rain!"
    It is typical...we had little kids about that age come to our door too...and they are usually grumpy or tired out and basically not happy to be dressed up and out having to great strangers. Violet is at a fun age for this.
    Good job on the teeth!
    I am disappointed that trick-or-treating is being taken over by older "kids" that don't need to go around getting free candy. They are not cute or funny or enthusiastic and they take all the fun out of the evening going door to door in packs of 10-15...most don't even bother with a costume...just a plastic grocery bag or two as if they're collecting for a friend!
    Next year I'm putting a sign on my door: If you are not under the age of 8 or haven't even made an effort to dress up for the occasion, then don't ring my door bell. Grow up...treats are for kids! (MOM)
