Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This week has been especially interesting and challenging. I think the kids (esp Violet) are getting used to being home again after being gone for such a long time. She's been extra whiny at bed time (crying and complaining that she can't even climb the stairs to her room, or climb on the toilet herself), and Calvin has been a mess. He is such a touchy kid. He gets upset if something doesn't go exactly the way he expects it to, and lets me know. He throws his body onto the floor in a full-out throw down and screams for awhile. Something as simple as not giving him the sippy he expected when asking for a drink. Everyone in the family is still recovering from our colds. I'm still coughing up stuff and blowing my nose every 30 minutes, and I'm wiping the kids' noses every hour. Dave said he feels OK, but he's just so incredibly swamped with work. Taking a week off is a big deal for him. His lap top computer crashed the day before we left -- it wouldn't start. So the day we got back from camp he called the help desk and he had to wait a day for them to mail him a part. He is responding to over 300 emails and is back downstairs tonight working to try catch up for tomorrow. Even in the midst of all this craziness, I'm thankful for my little family and how much love I feel for them and how much they give me in return.

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