Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall 2014

I just realized the other day I hadn't blogged in quite some time.  I'm not sure really.  Maybe its the switch in seasons from summer to "school".  Things seem to be falling into a rhythm and nothing seems like its changing.  We're plowing through each day and time is soaring.  As I'm sitting here there are an unending things on my "to-do" list, but Eli is on my right eating cream of wheat wanting his fingers wiped off every 2 minutes.  There's a printer on my left that I plan to use today to print envelopes for each Spark and T&T clubber for keeping track of the "bucks" they've earned.  There is laundry to be put in the machine, diapers to be folded, dishes to load into the dishwasher.  I don't think life ever slows down enough to feel caught up.  Just keep going and don't fall under the piles.

What I can think of off the top of my head that might be worth blogging about that has occurred in the last few weeks:

- Awana has begun every Sunday evening.  Dave and I are very busy with keeping that going as commander/secretary roles and the new software we purchased for running the program keeps me on my toes.  We have four clubbers this year! Eli is a Puggle, Vanessa is a Cubbie, Calvin is a Sparky, and Violet is in her first year of Truth & Training.

- Last week was full of sickness.  The two boys started throwing up at the same time one night.  I stayed up with them helping clean up after each episode from 3am on through the day.  Vanessa caught the bug two days later.  Dave stayed up with her that night.  Violet somehow escaped it.  Dave and I showed symptoms of a tummy virus but no throwing up.  I washed many sheets, pajamas, towels, rags, and car seats last week.  I'm glad it seems to be over.  Violet wrote me a note that says "Dear Mom and Dad, I am sorry that Vanessa is sick. I know it is hard. Your truly, Violet. "

Our days start at 6:45 am.  I get up, shower if I feel up for it, and then make sure Violet and Calvin are awake and getting dressed for school at 7am.  We try our hardest to make sure we are quiet and don't wake up the younger two but Eli always gets up with them 90% of the time.  He says, "diaper stinky" and wants to be changed.
We eat breakfast asap, get lunches packed, and get them out the door in time for Dave to whisk them off to school at 7:35 am.  I pick them at 3:15.  In-between that time Vanessa goes to OHCP M, W, and F mornings 9:00-11:30.  She has the same teacher as last year, Mrs. Nuece, who knows her well, and Vanessa really enjoys it.

- I started Women's Bible study in October as well.  Every other Tuesday morning.  We meet at the chapel and are going through 1 & 2 Peter following a John MacArthur study guide.

- The garden activity is dwindling down.  There is a big pumpkin we have yet to pick, and possibly more butternut squash.  The squash has been delicious!  I have a LOT of carrots in the fridge too!  Can't wait to make a yummy soup out of all of it.  Overall the garden was A HIT this summer!  I hope we get a chance to do it again.  Too bad we got almost no tomatoes.

- Our family has chosen to not be part of a small group this year.  Dave and I both feel a little burned out with committing to something like that weekly on top of our individual Bible studies and Awana taking up Sunday nights.  We're trying to make family time after school a priority.  Another reason we've noticed is a decline in the kids behavior.  Small group nights inevitably get late. Kids get to bed late.  They lose 2 hours of sleep they'd normally be getting if we were home, and it shows.

- "After school" time is eaten up quick.  Violet has a two-sided sheet of math homework daily, a few pages of reading in her science book, a spelling list to review daily, and a Bible verse to memorize.  Then she practices piano, and I have both Violet and Calvin read for 20 minutes to filfull requirements for a reading chart they both fill out called "Book It" - their school encourages the reading, and the kids get free pizza coupons if they meet the reading minute goal.  By the time this is all done, it is time to eat supper, and bathe if necessary, and get ready for bed.  The "bedtime" process for both parents takes an hour, which includes books and a Bible story.  Violet often complains she never gets play time at home.  I don't let them watch TV shows or play on the Kindle during week days.  It is too much of a distraction for all 4 kids.  If one kid is watching something, all four are glued to it.  So its just not on.

- We're considering something physical for Calvin to start.  Not sure exactly what, but that is being considered ~ also I don't know if we can add that expense to our monthly budget.  Praying about that one.

A quick recap of each kid:
- Vanessa spends most of her day thinking "princess".  She loves choosing something to print, usually Sofia the princess or Frozen characters.  She could color all day.  She loves pink, and is very affectionate.  If she gets to watch TV, she chooses Bubble Guppies or Daniel Tiger.
- Eli thinks he likes to print things he likes (airplanes or trucks or helicopters), and he scribbles a little on the paper, then throws it on the floor.
- Calvin is in a stage right now where he folds everything into a paper airplane. He also loves Ninjago and ninjago legos.
- Violet is deciding to grow out her hair - its getting very long.  She visited our favorite orthodontist on Oct 3rd and the plan is to revisit her tooth growth in 6 months.  She is improving her flossing/brushing on the new adult teeth.

I gotta wrap this up!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting. It is great to read about your family.
    I posted today too!
