Saturday, January 25, 2014

Violet's 8th birthday celebrations

Violet's preferences for the day:
breakfast: #8 pancake
lunch: mac n cheese for lunch
dinner: chicken taco soup with tortilla chips and funfetti birthday cake!

We celebrated Violet's birthday on January 25, the Saturday after her birthday.  She woke up to purple streamers over her doorway.
I made fun pancakes and created a number 8 for her.  The night before we cut out a cardboard 8 and she wanted to decorate it with me, so we used markers and stickers and made one side rainbows and the other side a "world of stickers".

Most of the morning and through lunch we stayed at our house.  I baked her a funfetti cake with white frosting and a pink sparkly 8.
For a fun activity, we used a loaf of thawed out bread dough to split among the kids and they got freedom to create whatever shape they wanted.  It was hard for them not to play with it like playdough, but instead they had to shape and create a thing to let sit for awhile and rise, then bake when ready.

Violet made a teddy bear she named "Pooh Bear", Calvin made a big donut shape thing that Dave helped him put sprinkles inside a groove in the middle.  Vanessa wanted to make a snowman.  The sprinkles got everywhere and spilled on the floor!

We let the bread rise, then baked it.  It blew up so huge!  Violet put honey on her bear and ate some of it.  Calvin splattered honey all over his and ate the entire thing.  I think Vanessa ate the head off her snowman but left the rest.  I put together the soup in the crock pot.

Kids all enjoyed mac n cheese and broccoli for lunch and then the plan was to go ice skating at Young Arena from 3-5 pm.  Rachel joined us at the skating rink!  Dave sat back with Eli watching (he was still wearing his walking boot at the time, keeping weight off his healing foot) and took a bunch of pictures.  Rachel and I helped Violet and Calvin skate.  Vanessa wanted to skate too so we took turns pushing her around the ice.  Violet learned how to skate better and could skate around on her own some.  It was a really fun time!  Dave was sitting on the sidelines with a very grumpy Eli but managed to take a lot of pictures.  Violet seemed to really enjoy the time.  When the two hours was over we took our skates off and watched the zamboni machine clean off the scraped up ice and make it slick again.

We came home to a yummy smelling house and ate the chicken taco soup with tortilla chips - then we lit the candles, blew the candles out with the happy birthday song, and she opened her presents!

Rachel got her a "Super Cute Activity book", scratch-off black art book, big set of twist-up colored pencils, Mom and dad gave her a cute zebra/pink dress, her own roll of scotch tape, V8 fusion juice (Violet is EIGHT!), and cat's cradle; Grandma Jo sent along more cotton loops to make potholders with, Grandma Martha sent a rainbow loom to make rubber bracelets with.

We also wanted to watch The Jungle Book but couldn't find it on the roku and it wasn't available to rent, so we watched Despicable Me instead.

What a great birthday!  We love watching Violet grow up!!

For fun I "interviewed" Violet.  I asked her these questions and I recorded her answers.

1. Who is your favorite person in the whole wide world?

My family!

2. What is your favorite color?


3. What is your favorite thing to watch on TV?

Hmm. Probably...I have a lot of favorite ones.  Maybe, um, I'll say Woody Woodpecker.  He's hilarious.

4. What's your favorite thing to wear?

Oh boy.  I think the zebra pattern dress.  And swimsuits!

5. What sport do you like best? Or favorite thing to play?

Favorite sport is ice skating.  My favorite thing to play is helicopter.  You swing a rope in a circle and everyone jumps over it.  We play it in gym at school, and at recess.  

6. What is your favorite song?

Oh boy. Hmm. Does the Interlude count? 

7. What's your favorite breakfast cereal?


8. Who is your best friend?

Uhh, I have a lot of best friends.  Selah.  Can I say three?  Selah, Alexis, and Casey.

9. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Ooh!  A doctor so people don't get sick!

10.  What is your favorite book?

Wow. You know, I like to read books.  I don't like reading.  Oh, I think I know.  Um. Epossamondas! And the pooh bear book.  It's so cute, I love it.

11. What are you really good at?

Ehh. *laughing* I don't really know mom.  *laughing again* I'm good at - I don't know - do you know what I'm good at?  Legos, writing books, making pancakes with you, piano, build snow forts outside in the snow, I love ice skating, making rubber band bracelets, I'm also good at wanting a lot of candy.  I'm good at making forts.  

12. Where do you want to go on vacation?

to Michigan and to my cousin's house, to waterparks, and I like to go on dates with mom and dad

13. What is your best memory?

oh my, ok, ok, ok, ok,, do you have any ideas? GOING TO BYRNES POOL IN THE SUMMER!

14.  What you do with $1000?

Whooo-hooo-oooo!!!  I would buy myself a big pool that filled the whole second lot!

15.  What is your least favorite food?

probably, oh, um, cabbage.  and celery.

16.  If you could have a wish, what would it be?

oh wish, wow! okkkk....this is going to be a hard one.  to have my own kindle, right now, and my brothers and sisters not make me angry.

17.  What's your favorite flavor ice cream?

ohh. the green ice cream with oreo chunks in it and moose tracks. those two!

18.  Who's your hero?


19.  What's your favorite thing to do with your friends?

to have like, i've always wanted to bring all the girls from second grade and invite them to byrnes pool with me. I've never done that, but it would be fun. 
Play helicopter and tag and actually, nothing else.

20. Do you have a favorite Bible verse?

yeah. John 3:16

this one is a little out of order, taken on her actual birthday (Mon, Jan 20th, before going to school)

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