Sunday, January 05, 2014

last day of 2013 - New Year's Eve

We continued tradition again to wrap up the year 2013 with Shawn and Kim Thompson.  Shawn's parents were staying in a hotel in CF (Country Inn and Suites) and let us come and swim at the hotel pool on Monday night the 30th of December.  This made for a late night.  But it was such a fun treat to do this on a cold winter night!  As we swam we could see snow falling outside the windows.  Felt like we were in a snow globe. 

Shawn and Kim both got in the water with their two kids, Caleb (3) and Genevieve (1) ~ (they refer to her as Jenny).  Violet and Calvin swam around like crazy (and when did Calvin learn to swim?) and Vanessa wore a life jacket and had enough confidence to swim with her jacket.  Eli was with me and splashed around.  He eventually got sick of the water and wanted to walk around.  I don't think we got out of the pool til 9:00.  I changed the kids into their PJs and they got to bed as soon as we got home. 

On Dec 31, we slept in sorta late, had a late breakfast, I went grocery shopping for new year's snacks, and as a group, we had decided to meet at Panchero's for lunch with Shawn, Kim, Chuck and Carolyn (Shawn's parents).  Kim and I both had things to grab at Walmart so we got the kids settled at our house after lunch and the littles down for naps, and we got to go out together for a bit.  I had an errand to run to drop off our baby swing at Rachel's so she could take it down to Jay and Molly's for Theodore.  Kim came with me and I showed her where Rachel lives and works.  We made a run to Walmart for some random things. 

Its always nice to see Shawn and Kim.  They are an encouragement to us like we are to them.  We talk about parenting, life, God, and have fun together.  We play games, eat lots of food, and prayed together to bring in the new year.  We had a funny moment trying to find the ball drop on our roku TV player.  We thought we were tuned in to a local news channel but it wasn't right so we missed the moment.  Dave looked at his phone and it said 12:02 and he was like "oh, its 2014" or something like that, and we just shrugged, toasted our champagne glasses, and laughed.

The next morning we had egg/ham muffin bakes, donut muffins (yum!), and lots of coffee.  Kids played around and S&K left about 11:15 to meet Chuck and Carolyn for lunch at Red Lobster. 

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