Friday, January 10, 2014

Violet and Calvin's (oh, and Vanessa's!) first experience "at the movies" seeing Frozen

After reading some good reviews and hearing good feedback from some friends of mine, I decided it would be really fun to take Violet and Calvin to their first "theater" experience to watch the movie Frozen.  It was a movie Rachel and I were interested in seeing as well so we decided to go tonight.
Just so happened Dave had started feeling pretty sick earlier in the day and was feeling rather yucky.  Flu symptoms and everything.  He decided to stay home so I put Eli in bed at 7:15 after bathing all the kids ~ and Rachel, Violet, Calvin, Vanessa and I went to the 7:45 showing at College Square.  I had originally intended on leaving Vanessa home but seeing Dave was not able to do anything, so we brought her along.

I kept "going to a movie" a surprise until we pulled into the parking lot.  I only told them we were going somewhere fun and new.  I waited until Rachel pulled up for me to tell them all together.  There was plenty of whooping and hollering in the parking lot when they found out they were going to get to see Frozen in the theater - of course, the movie ALL their friends seemed to be talking about at school.

They seemed perplexed that we had to pay for tickets and then not give them to anybody when we walked into the theater.  

We treated them to popcorn and all shared a big Sierra Mist with two straws.  We found theater #7 and Calvin was wowed by the size of the screen.  Vanessa ate popcorn and sat on my lap for most of the movie.  She snuggled up to me after awhile and might have fallen asleep but she kept her attention on the movie too and seemed to like it.  She said it was "not too scarey". 

The movie was super adorable.  Rachel and I were laughing at so many scenes!  Violet and Calvin were cracking up at the goofy little snowman who was funny among even the more tense scenes.  A few growling wolves and a big giant snowman monster who guarded the ice castle was about as scary as it got.  And the end wrapped up very nicely with a message about true love and sacrifice.  We all loved it!

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