Monday, January 20, 2014

Today is Violet's 8th birthday!

She had school today, so it was a "typical" morning, but I tried making it special for her by taking her out on a quick trip last night to choose some treats to hand out at school today to help celebrate her birthday.  We went to Target. She chose rice krispie treats with little chocolate candies on top and a bag of Hershey's milk chocolate nuggets - enough for her class to each have one rice krispie treat and two nuggets.  We got milk on the way home and she helped me carry it all to the car.

We put the treats in little zip lock baggies and she wrote her classmates' names on the baggies.  She recalled the desk seating arrangement in her classroom so she wouldn't forget anybody.  We put four hershey's nuggets in Miss Oppman's bag.  

This morning I made her a number 8 pancake to help make the morning a little more special than a normal day.  We plan to make her favorite mac n cheese for dinner tonight - and the official party will be on Saturday the 26th when we have more time to celebrate.  She really wants to go ice skating.

I'm enjoying Violet growing up!  She's developed a larger sense of responsibility and thoughtfulness.  She will initiate helping out with things like vacuuming and dishwashing.  She still changes clothes in the middle of the house and leaves things laying on the floor.  But her "growing up" personality is emerging and she's becoming quite the young little lady.  

She went to a school friend's birthday party on Saturday the 18th at Chuck E Cheese and determined to win enough tickets so she could spend them to get prizes for Vanessa and Calvin.  She got a magic wand for Vanessa and a little cup of playdoh for Calvin to play with.  She got herself a big bag of cotton candy.  We were impressed by her thoughtfulness - just like the way she spent her Awana bucks to get everybody Christmas presents.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! The train is perfect size for the baby!
    Violet's thoughtfulness is a wonderful quality.
    I've worked with a lot of eight year olds and find there isn't anything they can't learn.
    I remember being 8 and going to Disney World with our Grandfather Voll...consequently it was my FAVORITE age to be!
    Eight is a great age.

