Monday, June 10, 2013

Violet's poems about our family

Violet got some alone time (about an hour) while Mama Row had Calvin at her place watching some cement trucks pour cement by some houses being built by her new place.  Violet went upstairs and wrote two poems about Vanessa and Eli, and they are so cute, I had to write about it.

She titled Vanessa's poem like this:

"The Vanessa Poum"

Vanessa is a cerlyq (curly Q) so cerly as I code (could) think,
she is so adorabil and I no (know) that she recks things that we make!

"The Eli Poum"

Eli is so chuby as chuby as can be.
He is so chuby wubby like a gumy bear
he luks as if I code (could) eat him.
I wode (would) eat him becaus He is soo cute!


*editing because she finished poems for the whole family...adding the others below:

"The Mommy Powum"

Mommy is my mom, and I feill like she sas yes to evrything! 
ha let me tell you a secret she is my mom!

"The Daddy Powum"

Daddy is a gufe ball, and he is a pikle man to. 
He talks about PIKLE'S eeeevvvvrrrryyy DAY.

"The Calvin Powm"

Calvin is the collist man I have evre seen.  becaus evry day he wars (wears)
coll (cool) stuf!  
ha let me tell you sothing (something) Calvin is my 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing and sharing these poems and translations.
    Love DAD
